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James W. Lucas

About James W. Lucas

James W. Lucas is an attorney who has lived in New York City most of his adult life but is now living in Utah. He received his undergraduate degree from BYU and law degree from Columbia University. In recent years he has written both books and articles on constitutional and public policy matters. In the field of LDS history, he has presented at several conferences, co-authored (with Warner Woodworth) Working Toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, and done research on the history of the Latter-day Saints in New York City. The latter has included writing the entry on Mormons for the Encyclopedia of New York City and a chapter in New York Glory: Religion in the City (NYU Press). He is co-author with Jonathan E. Neville of By Means of the Urim & Thummim: Restoring Translation to the Restoration (Salt Lake City: Digital Legend, 2023).

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