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The Interpreter Foundation Blog

A New Look for the Foundation

Good morning! I’m pleased to share with you something that we have been working on at The Interpreter Foundation for quite some time. We are in the middle of a multimonth effort to rebrand the Foundation, and you’ll start to see the fruits of those efforts...

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“I feel impressed to say…”

[Editorial note: most of the below comes from either official minutes or diary narrations of formal Council meetings in the Temple. Follow links to read all of the entries. A church email account is needed to access the diary.]   Journal, March 5, 1953 Thursday,...

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Textual Criticism and the Book of Mormon

On Saturday evening, 12 November 2022, Royal Skousen delivered a talk at Utah Valley University under the title of “Textual Criticism and the Book of Mormon”—a subject to which he has devoted meticulous scholarly attention extending over the past several decades. In...

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“One Peep at the Other Side”: What Did Hugh Nibley’s Near-Death Experience Teach Him about the Purpose of Life?

This is the sixth of eight weekly blog posts published in honor of the life and work of Hugh Nibley (1910–2005). The series is in honor of the new, landmark book, Hugh Nibley Observed, available in softcover, hardback, digital, and audio editions. Besides those who actively oppose the idea that that a loving, personal God exists in heaven, there have also always been others to whom questions of this sort never even occur. ...

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