Jonathan E. Neville
About Jonathan E. Neville
Jonathan E. Neville is a retired lawyer, educator and author who has written ten books on LDS Church history and Book of Mormon topics. He has presented at the Mormon History Association, the Joseph Smith Papers Symposium, the John Whitmer Historical Society, and other venues. He has visited over 60 countries and has lived in Europe, Asia, Africa, and in several of the United States. He currently lives with his wife on the Oregon coast. His next book advancing his research on the origins and translation of the Book of Mormon, co-authored with James Lucas and titled Confound the Wise: Restoring Translation to the Restoration, will be released in Fall 2022.A Man That Can Translate and Infinite Goodness: A Response to Recent Reviews
by Jonathan E. Neville | Oct 14, 2022 | 16 comments