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Meir Bar-Ilan

About Meir Bar-Ilan

Meir Bar-Ilan is an Emeritus Professor of Jewish Studies at Bar-Ilan University (BIU, named after his grandfather) in Ramat Gan, Israel, where he has made significant contributions to the study of Jewish history and culture, particularly focusing on the biblical and talmudic periods. Born in New York in 1951, he moved to Israel, earned his BA (cum laude) and PhD in Jewish History from BIU, and began his academic career there as a student in 1976 before rising to full professor in 2000. With a rich career that includes serving as chair of the Talmud Department (2008–2009) and visiting scholar positions at prestigious institutions like Hebrew University, Harvard, and Vienna University, Bar-Ilan has explored topics such as ancient Jewish society, literacy, Pseudepigrapha, and mysticism, publishing numerous books and articles. A veteran of two wars (1973 and 1982), where he was severely wounded in Lebanon, he resides in Rehovoth, Israel, with his wife Miriam, their five children, and twenty grandchildren. He continues to influence the field through his editorial roles in journals like JSIJ [Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal] and Moreshet Israel.

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