Warren P. Aston

About Warren P. Aston

Warren P. Aston is a New Zealand–born researcher based in Brisbane, Australia. Since 1984 his exploratory efforts have identified the candidates for “Nahom” and the Old World “Bountiful” now accepted by most Latter-day Saint scholars, and he remains the only person to have retraced the full Lehite journey across the Old World. After completing ground exploration in Yemen and Oman over the entire eastern coast of Arabia from 1986 to 1992, he cofounded the Khor Kharfot Foundation in 2013 and led several international teams undertaking fieldwork at the site. He is the author of In the Footsteps of Lehi (1994); Lehi and Sariah in Arabia: The Old World Setting of the Book of Mormon (2015) and numerous papers and articles. Warren’s findings have been reported in Church Education System manuals, BYU Studies Quarterly, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship and presented in non–Latter-day Saint forums such as the annual Seminar for Arabian Studies in the UK and in publications such as the . They have also been presented at non-Latter-day Saint forums such as the annual Seminar for Arabian Studies in the UK and in publications such as the Journal of Arabian Studies. He is the proud father of six children and eighteen grandchildren.