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Search the Book of Mormon Central KnoWhys Bibliography
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Scripture Central. “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge: Act in Faith.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #260. January 11, 2017.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8076] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-01-11 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11053 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “An Apostle’s Witness.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #2. January 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jeffrey R. Holland; Apostle; Witness; Joseph Smith; Testimony; Book of Mormon; General Conference; Church History; General Authority; Restoration
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8334] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 4842 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “Are the Accounts of the Golden Plates Believable?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #403. January 30, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Plates; Gold Plates; Joseph Smith; Church History; Eight Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > The Translation of the Book of Mormon
ID = [7933] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-01-30 Collections: bmc-knowhys,history-1820,translation Size: 18890 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “Are There Mistakes in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #3. January 4, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Title Page; Moroni; Critical Text; Textual Variants; Textual Criticism; mistakes; Book of Mormon Translation; Book of Mormon; Church History; Restoration
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8333] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-04 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 16626 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “Are There Other Ancient Records Like the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #407. February 13, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Plates; Gold Plates; History; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israel; Archaeology; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [7929] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-02-13 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 14046 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “Are There Really Only Two Churches?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #16. January 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Doctrine; Opposition; Lamb of God; God; Church of the Lamb; Church of the Devil; Strait and Narrow; Eternal Life; Satan; Devil; Christianity; Hell
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8320] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-21 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8082 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “At Baptism, What Do We Covenant to Do?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #97. May 11, 2016.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8239] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-05-11 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 4608 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Can Chiasmus Survive Translation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #343. July 24, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Translation; Parallelism; Hebrew; Bible; Old Testament; New Testament; Ancient Greek; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Old Testament Topics > Literary Aspects
ID = [7993] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-07-24 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10457 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “Can Textual Studies Help Readers Understand the Isaiah Chapters in 2 Nephi?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #39. February 23, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Textual Criticism; Critical Text; Isaiah; Joseph Smith; Joseph Smith Translation; Nephi; Textual Variants; Church History; Book of Mormon Translation; Restoration
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8297] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-23 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10433 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Did a ‘Magic World View’ Influence the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #538. October 31, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Folk Magic; Seer Stone; Money Digging; Treasure Seeking; Book of Mormon Translation; Joseph Smith; Church History; Ancient Israelite Religion; High Priest; Urim and Thummim; Mesoamerica; Divination
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [7798] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-10-31 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 23540 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Did Abinadi Prophesy During Pentecost?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #90. May 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; King Noah; Mosiah; Legal; Law of Moses; Pentecost; Ancient Israelite Religion; Shavuot; Ancient Judaism; Psalms
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8246] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-05-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8912 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Did Alma Counsel His Sons During the Passover?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #146. July 19, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma; Zoramites; Passover; Wisdom; Ancient Judaism; Legal; Ancient Law; Corianton; Shiblon; Helaman; Chiasmus
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8190] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-07-19 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 14385 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Did Ancient Israelites Build Temples Outside of Jerusalem?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #31. February 11, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Temples; Altar; Arad; Lachish; Elephantine; Megiddo; Beersheba; Jerusalem; Archaeology; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Near East; Ancient Israel; Sacred Space; Law of Moses; Law; Legal; New World; Promised Land; Sacrifice; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8305] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-11 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11057 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Did Ancient Israelites Write in Egyptian?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #4. January 5, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Egyptian; Egypt; Hieratic; Language; Hebrew; Archaeology; Ancient Israel; Ancient Near East; Top KnoWhys; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8332] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-05 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10187 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “Did Ancient People Sail the Seas?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #21. January 28, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sailing; Transoceanic; Ancient Seafaring; Nephi; Lehi; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; Promised Land; Ancient Near East; Archaeology; Arabia; Mesoamerica; New World; Ocean; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8315] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-28 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11409 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “Did Interactions with ‘Others" Influence Nephi’s Selection of Isaiah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #45. March 2, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; New World; Gentiles; Promised Land
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8291] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-03-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8297 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Did Jacob Refer to Ancient Israelite Autumn Festivals?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #32. February 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Nephi; Sukkot; Feast of Tabernacles; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Covenants; Law of Moses; Law; Legal; Priest; Promised Land; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8304] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8293 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Did Jerusalem Have Walls Around It?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #7. January 8, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jerusalem; Walls; Joseph Smith; Emma Smith; Book of Mormon Translation; Archaeology; Ancient Israel; Ancient Near East; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > The Other Witnesses
ID = [8329] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-08 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 4957 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “Did Jesus Bleed from Every Pore?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #520. June 13, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Atonement; Jesus Christ; Gethsemane; Blood; Sacrifice; New Testament; Textual Criticism
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7816] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-06-13 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12289 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Did Joseph Smith Attempt to Assassinate Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #632. May 31, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Lilburn Boggs; Doctrine and Covenants; Church History; Assassination; Porter Rockwell; Legal; Law
Links to available media:
ID = [8860] Status = Type = website article Date = 2022-05-31 Collections: bmc-knowhys,d-c,smith-joseph-jr Size: 12754 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:09
Scripture Central. “Did Joseph Smith’s Mother Believe He Could Have Written the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #555. March 31, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Lucy Mack Smith; Joseph Smith; Book of Mormon Translation; Restoration
Links to available media:
Topics: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > The Other Witnesses Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7781] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-03-31 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 13800 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “Did Lehi Quote Shakespeare?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #26. February 4, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Shakespeare; Lehi; Afterlife; Underworld; Ancient Near East; Nephi; Death; Hell; Ancient Israelite Religion; Bible; Old Testament; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8310] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-04 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 5841 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Did Lehi Use the Poetry of the Ancient Bedouin?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #5. January 6, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Poetry; Bedouin; Arabia; Desert; Lehi; Hugh Nibley; Ancient Near East; Nephi; Ancient Israel; Language; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8331] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-06 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8104 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “Did Pre-Christian Prophets Know About Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #12. January 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Heavenly Father; Jesus Christ; God; Yahweh; El; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Canaanite Religion; Ancient Near East; New Testament; Old Testament; Bible; Ancient Judaism; Hebrew; Names; Book of Mormon Names; Etymology; Archaeology; Ancient Israel; Divine Council; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8324] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8476 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “Did Prophets Such as Ezekiel Know the Writings of Zenos?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #440. June 12, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Ezekiel; Intertextuality; Allegory of the Olive Tree; Jacob
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [7896] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-06-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 6873 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Did the Book of Mormon Witnesses Really See What They Claimed?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #521. June 20, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Witnesses; Three Witnesses; Eight Witnesses; Gold Plates; Book of Mormon Translation
Links to available media:
Topics: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7815] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-06-20 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,witnesses Size: 15195 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Did the Nephites Have a ‘Holiday Season’ Like We Do Today?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #394. December 28, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; Christmas; King Benjamin; Sukkot; Feast of Tabernacles; Rosh Hashanah; Yom Kippur; Day of Atonement; New Year
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7942] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-12-28 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12817 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “Did ‘Others’ Influence Book of Mormon Peoples?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #435. May 22, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; Jaredites; Lehites; Mulekites; New World; Anthropology; Others
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7901] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-05-22 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 9844 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Does Chiasmus Prove Anything about the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #358. August 28, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Book of Mormon; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7978] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-28 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 16539 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “Does Psalm 22 Really Say ‘They Pierced My Hands and My Feet’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #641. August 9, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Crucifixion; Psalms; Dead Sea Scrolls; Septuagint; Masoretic Text; Critical Text; Hebrew
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [12603] Status = Type = website article Date = 2022-08-09 Collections: bmc-knowhys,old-test Size: 12983 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:18:20
Scripture Central. “Does the Book of Mormon Really Have ‘Bad’ Grammar?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #490. December 4, 2018.
ID = [8077] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-01-09 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 17626 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “Has the Prophecy of the Lord’s House Established in the Mountains been Fulfilled?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #41. February 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Isaiah; Mountain; Temples; Sacred Space; Heavenly Ascent; Holy Ascent; Prophecy; Salt Lake Temple; Jerusalem; Zion; Restoration
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8295] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7595 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Have the Valley of Lemuel and the River Laman Been Found?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #286. March 13, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Nephi; Valley of Lemuel; River Laman; Archaeology; Ancient Near East; Wadi; Geography; Arabia; Saudi Arabia; Red Sea; Jerusalem; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8050] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-03-13 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11646 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How a Tangent About Foreordination Helps Explain Repentance.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #398. January 11, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Alma the Younger; Ammonihah; Repentance; Premortal Life; Priesthood; Premortality; Plan of Salvation; Foreordained
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7938] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-01-11 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7312 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac Illuminates the Atonement.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #412. March 1, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Law of Moses; Bible; Old Testament; Genesis; Abraham; Isaac; Ishmael; Sarah; Hagar; Mary; Jesus Christ; Crucifixion; Atonement
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [7924] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-03-01 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 12064 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Are Acts of Service Related to Wisdom?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #308. May 3, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Service; King Benjamin; Wisdom; Bible; Old Testament; Proverbs; Wisdom Literature; Hebrew; Poetry; Parallelism; Gradation; Atonement; Humility; Divine Kingship
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8028] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-05-03 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 11534 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Are Atonement, Resurrection, Judgment, and Redemption Interconnected?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #275. February 15, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Atonement; Resurrection; Repentance; Alma; King Benjamin; Blood; Gethsemane; Love of God; Love
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8061] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-02-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10318 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Are Faithfulness and Grace Connected to the Right Hand of Fellowship?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #690. September 26, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ordinances, Handclasps, Hand of God, Hands, Early Christian Church, Paul, Grace
Links to available media:
ID = [82262] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-09-26 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Are Oliver Cowdery’s Messenger and Advocate Letters to Be Understood and Used?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #453. July 26, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Oliver Cowdery; Letter VII; Geography; Hill Cumorah; Joseph Smith; Church History
Links to available media:
Topics: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > Oliver Cowdery
ID = [7883] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-07-26 Collections: bmc-knowhys,history-1820,witnesses Size: 24480 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Are Rod and Sword Connected to the Word of God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #427. April 24, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Iron Rod; Tree of Life; Nephi
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7909] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-04-24 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 9781 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Are Samuel the Lamanite and the Biblical Prophet Samuel Similar?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #576. September 1, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Samuel the Lamanite; Samuel; 1 Samuel; Bible; Old Testament; Agag; Hebrew; Onomastics; Names; Word Play; Pun; Messiah; Anointing; Gestures
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7760] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-09-01 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 12969 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Are the Book of Mormon’s Teachings About the Godhead Unique?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #266. January 25, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: God; Heavenly Father; Jesus Christ; Holy Ghost; Godhead; Bible; Joseph Smith
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8070] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-01-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8597 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Are the Words of the Book of Mormon Like ‘One That Hath a Familiar Spirit’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #491. December 6, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Familiar Spirit; Isaiah; Nephi; Likening; Angel Moroni; Old Testament
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7845] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-12-06 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 14645 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Can Barley in the Book of Mormon Feed Faith?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #87. April 27, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Agriculture; Barley; North America; Mesoamerica; Botany; Anachronism; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8249] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-04-27 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 5395 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Can Contrasts Teach Us about True Conversion?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #562. May 19, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Conversion; Alma the Younger
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7774] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-05-19 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 7384 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Can Honest Labor and Self-Reliance Bring Lasting Happiness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #365. September 19, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Labor; Church History; Work; Brigham Young; Pioneers; Utah; Deseret; King Noah; Zeniff
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7971] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-09-19 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,brigham Size: 9865 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can Jesus Provide to All People the Waters of Life?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #658. February 14, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Water, Living Water, Jesus Christ, Life, Jacob' s Well, Samaritan, Jehovah, Temple, Healing, Cleanliness
Links to available media:
ID = [82294] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-02-14 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Can One Overcome the Natural Man?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #311. May 10, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Benjamin; Natural Man; Humility; Children; Adoption; Holy Ghost; Adam; Eve; The Fall; Service; Atonement
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8025] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-05-10 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8430 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can One ‘Feast upon the Words of Christ’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #306. April 28, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Tree of Life; Lehi; Ezekiel; Bible; Old Testament; Bread of Life; Manna; Temple Shewbread; Temples; Ancient Israel; Sacrament; Sabbath; Scriptures
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [8030] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-04-28 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10493 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can People Today Avoid Being Destroyed Like the Nephites Were?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #327. June 16, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Hiram Page; Revelation; Prophets; Nephites; Final Nephite Battle; Samuel the Lamanite; Destruction; Prophecy; Obedience
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8009] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-06-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 9282 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can Sally Conrad’s Witness of the Book of Mormon Strengthen Our Faith?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #385. November 28, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sally Conrad; Witnesses; Gold Plates; Church History; Three Witnesses; Eight Witnesses; David Whitmer; Angel Moroni
Links to available media:
Topics: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > The Other Witnesses Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7951] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-11-28 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 7123 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can the Book of Job Teach Us about the Temple?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #640. August 2, 2022.
ID = [12604] Status = Type = website article Date = 2022-08-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,old-test Size: 12223 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:18:20
Scripture Central. “How Can the Book of Mormon Help Saints Live the Law of Consecration?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #297. April 7, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Consecration; Joseph Smith; King Benjamin; Alma; Amulek; Wealth
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8039] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-04-07 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10226 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can the Book of Mormon Provide Peace and Meaning to Those in Military Service?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #496. January 1, 2019.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7840] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-01-01 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 9929 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Can the Book of Mormon Strengthen Marriages and Families?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #302. April 19, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; King Benjamin; Family; Marriage; Covenants
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8034] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-04-19 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10225 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can the Book of Mormon Survivors Give Us Hope?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #393. December 26, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Nephi; Jacob; Jerusalem; Alma; Abinadi; Alma the Younger; Amulek; Mormon; Ether; Moroni; Depression; Tragedy
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7943] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-12-26 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11041 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can the Old Testament Covenants Help Us Understand the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #363. September 12, 2017.
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus
ID = [7973] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-09-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 13349 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can Trials of Faith Lead to Spiritual Growth?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #356. August 23, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ether; Faith; Trial of Faith; Adversity; Jaredites; Mormon
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7980] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-23 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10295 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can We Be Delivered through the Lord’s Tender Mercies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #447. July 5, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Tender Mercies; Nephi
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7889] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-07-05 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12286 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Can We Be Strengthened by Lucy Mack Smith’s Testimony of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #379. November 7, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Lucy Mack Smith; Joseph Smith; Gold Plates; Urim and Thummim
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > The Other Witnesses
ID = [7957] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-11-07 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 8009 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can We Be Thankful During Times of Hardship?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #384. November 23, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gratitude; Thanksgiving; Lehi; Nephites; War Chapters
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7952] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-11-23 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 9255 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can We Build Our Foundations on a Rock?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #659. February 21, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Parable, Rock, Sand, Matthew, Luke, Roles of Jesus Christ, Foundation, Bible, New Testament, Sermon on the Mount
Links to available media:
ID = [82293] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-02-21 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Can We Know What to Believe about Joseph Smith’s Personal Character?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #413. March 6, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Church History; Moroni
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7923] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-03-06 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,smith-joseph-jr Size: 14181 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can We Receive the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #408. February 15, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Old Testament; Bible; Abraham; Abrahamic Covenant
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7928] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-02-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8353 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Can We Stop the Cycle of Revenge?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #381. November 14, 2017.
ID = [7955] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-11-14 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8528 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Could Lehi Offer Sacrifices Outside of Jerusalem?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #9. January 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Sacrifice; Temples; Law of Moses; Law; Legal; Altar; Bible; Old Testament; Dead Sea Scrolls; Jerusalem; Lehi; Nephi; Ancient Israel; Ancient Judaism; Ancient Near East; Arabia; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8327] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7456 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “How Could Nephi Have Known about Jeremiah’s Imprisonment?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #463. August 30, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jeremiah; Nephi; Lehi; Zedekiah; Jerusalem; Book of Mormon Central
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [7873] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-08-30 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10457 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Could Shiz Move and Breathe After Being Beheaded?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #248. December 8, 2016.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8088] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-12-08 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 6096 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Could So Many People Have Died at the Battle of Cumorah?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #231. November 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; Lamanites; Hill Cumorah; Cumorah; Warfare; Military; Final Nephite Battle; Mormon; Moroni; Death; Ancient History; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Ancient Israel; Military History; Population; Mesoamerica; Aztec; Quiche; Women; Children; Book of Mormon Translation; Historicity; Love of God; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8105] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-11-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10860 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Did Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Authors Use Chiasmus?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #340. July 16, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Bible; Old Testament; New Testament; Mark; Genesis; Ancient Near East; Gilgamesh; Ancient Greek; Hebrew; Poetry; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Old Testament Topics > Literary Aspects
ID = [7996] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-07-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10779 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did Brigham Young Help Take the Book of Mormon to the World?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #354. August 18, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Brigham Young; Church History; Book of Mormon
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7982] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-18 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,brigham Size: 10807 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did Christ Use the Nephite Prophetic Worldview?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #580. October 13, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephite Prophetic View; Christ in America; Jesus Christ; Nephi; Gentiles; Scattering of Israel; Israelites
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7756] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-10-13 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8699 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Did Democracy Help the Nephites Conquer Their Enemies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #156. August 2, 2016.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8180] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-08-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8954 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Did Emma Smith Help Bring Forth the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #386. November 30, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Emma Smith; Book of Mormon Translation; Joseph Smith; Gold Plates; Witnesses; Angel Moroni
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > The Other Witnesses Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7950] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-11-30 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 13357 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did Enos Liken the Scriptures to His Own Life?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #265. January 23, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Likening; Scriptures; Enos; Bible; Old Testament; Jacob; Esau; Bethel; Covenants; Prayer; God; Word Play; Hebrew; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
ID = [8071] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-01-23 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 9228 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Did God Call His Prophets in Ancient Times?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #17. January 22, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prophets; Prophecy; Calling; Divine Council; Heavenly Ascent; Holy Ascent; Heaven; Throne Theophany; Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Ezekiel; Jeremiah; Samuel; Amos; Habakkuk; King Benjamin; Brother of Jared; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations Old Testament Scriptures > Ezekiel
ID = [8319] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-01-22 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8345 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “How Did Helaman’s Army Maintain Faith While Being Cut Off from Provisions?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #167. August 17, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Captain Moroni; War Chapters; Warfare; Military; Helaman; Epistles; Nephites; Lamanites; Zarahemla; Provisions; Food; Mesoamerica; People of Ammon
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8169] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-08-17 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11184 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Did Isaiah Prophesy of the Savior?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #647. September 20, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Isaiah; Jesus Christ; Messiah; Prophecy
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [12597] Status = Type = website article Date = 2022-09-20 Collections: bmc-knowhys,old-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:18:20
Scripture Central. “How Did Jeremiah’s and Lehi’s Ministries Reflect One Another?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #650. October 20, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi, Jeremiah, Book of Mormon, Bible, Old Testament, Jerusalem, Prophets, Prophecy
Links to available media:
ID = [82302] Status = Type = website article Date = 2022-10-20 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Did King Benjamin Teach His People to Trust God More?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #314. May 17, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Benjamin; King Benjamin’s Speech; God; Faith; Old Testament; Bible; Psalms
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8022] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-05-17 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 9839 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did King Benjamin’s Speech Lead to Nephite Democracy?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #301. April 17, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Democracy; Reign of the Judges; Monarchy; Government; Nephite Government; Covenants; King Benjamin; New Name; Bible; Old Testament; Psalms
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Judges Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8035] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-04-17 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10900 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did Martin Harris Help Bring Forth the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #291. March 24, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Martin Harris; Joseph Smith; Church History; Book of Mormon Translation; Book of Mormon Printing; 116 pages; Three Witnesses; Gold Plates; Charles Anthon; Oliver Cowdery; David Whitmer; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > Martin Harris
ID = [8045] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-03-24 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 15771 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did Mormon React to Seeing His People Slain?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #232. November 16, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Moroni; Final Nephite Battle; Lament; Bible; Old Testament; Lamentations; New Testament; Matthew; Luke; Jesus Christ; Ancient Near East; Hebrew; Poetry; Final Judgment; Jerusalem; Destruction; Death; Warfare; Military
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni Old Testament Scriptures > Jeremiah/Lamentations
ID = [8104] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-11-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7421 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Did Nephi Read Isaiah as a Witness of Christ’s Coming?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #40. February 24, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephite Prophetic View; Jesus Christ; Isaiah; Nephi; Prophecy; Christianity; Law of Witnesses; Law; Legal; Testimony
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8296] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-24 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7323 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Did Nephi Use the Power to Seal on Earth and in Heaven?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #182. September 7, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Helaman; Nephi; Sealing Power; Famine; Drought; Miracles; Bible; Old Testament; Elijah; War; Heaven; Priesthood; King Benjamin
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8154] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-09-07 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7896 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Did Paul Interact with Greek Philosophies in Athens?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #681. July 25, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Paul, Acts, Philosophy, Ancient Greek, Greek, Early Christian Church, Christianity, Education
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ID = [82271] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-07-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Did Paul Understand Faith?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #684. August 15, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Faith, Paul, Grace, Covenants, Discipleship, Hope, New Testament, Ancient Greek, Hebrews, Romans
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ID = [82268] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-08-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Did President Gordon B. Hinckley Emphasize the Importance of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #294. March 31, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gordon B. Hinckley; Book of Mormon
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [8042] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-03-31 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10711 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did Seeking a King Get in the Way of Sustaining a Prophet?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #153. July 28, 2016.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Kings/1 & 2 Chronicles Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8183] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-07-28 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8849 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Did the Book of Mormon Help the Early Saints Understand Spiritual Gifts?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #299. April 12, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Kirtland; Missouri; New Testament; Acts; Pentecost; Gifts of the Spirit; Joseph Smith
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8037] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-04-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10623 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Did the Establishment of Jesus Christ’s Church in 1830 Comply with the Law?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #598. March 2, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Doctrine and Covenants; Legal; Law; Joseph Smith; Organization of the Church; Church Organization
Links to available media:
ID = [7738] Status = Type = website article Date = 2021-03-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,d-c Size: 6636 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Did the Nephites Become Weak in Such a Short Time?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #175. August 29, 2016.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8161] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-08-29 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 6959 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Do Commandments Bring Us Peace and Happiness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #347. August 2, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Commandments; Ten Commandments; Law of Moses; Nephites; Bible; Old Testament; Happiness
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7989] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 11599 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Do John’s Seven Letters Reflect the Ancient Temple?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #702. December 5, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: John, Revelation, New Testament, Early Christian Church, Kirtland Temple
Links to available media:
ID = [82250] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-12-05 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Do the Bible and Book of Mormon Help Us Understand the Sealing Power?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #348. August 4, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Sealing Power; Elijah; Bible; Old Testament; New Testament; Revelation; Jesus Christ; Joseph Smith
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7988] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-04 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10255 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Do the Blessings in the Scriptures Apply to us Today?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #373. October 17, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Covenants; Bible; Old Testament; Deuteronomy; Leviticus; Ancient Israel; Nephites; Blessings; Prosperity
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Leviticus Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7963] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-10-17 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 11353 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Do the Book of Moses and Book of Mormon Help Us Understand the Endowment?” Book of Mormon Central, KnoWhy #396, January 4, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Temples; Heavenly Ascent; Endowment; Moses; Nephi; Pearl of Great Price; Book of Moses
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [4691] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-01-04 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,moses,old-test Size: 10501 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “How Do the Covenants in the Scriptures Apply to Me Today?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #369. October 3, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zeniff; Covenants; Bible; Old Testament; Zarahemla; Land of Nephi; Mosiah; Lamanites; Famine; Law of Moses; Limhi
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7967] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-10-03 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10211 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Do the Events of Mormon’s Life Shape the Entire Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #582. October 27, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Redaction; Abridgment; Warfare; Jesus Christ; Theophany; Gold Plates; Record Keeping
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mormon
ID = [7754] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-10-27 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12628 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Do the Psalms Quoted in the Book of Mormon Teach about the Temple?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #437. May 29, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Psalms; Temples
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7899] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-05-29 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 11220 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Does Chiasmus Teach Us to Reverse the Pride Cycle?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #468. September 18, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Chiasmus; Pride; Prosperity
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7868] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-09-18 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11185 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Does Christ ‘Seal You His’?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #558. April 21, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Seals; Ancient Near East; Covenants; King Benjamin; King Benjamin’s Speech
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7778] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-04-21 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 6954 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Does Grace Help Us Overcome Weakness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #350. August 9, 2017.
ID = [82264] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-09-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does Prophecy Shape the Book of Mormon’s Content and Structure?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #498. January 15, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Prophecy; Prophets; Nephi; Mormon; Abinadi; Samuel the Lamanite; Remember; Second Coming; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel
ID = [7838] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-01-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 26863 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Does the Book of Mormon Help Date Christ’s Death?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #300. April 14, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephites; Christ in America; Bible; New Testament; Easter; Jesus Christ; Crucifixion; Resurrection; Atonement; Chronology; Gospels; Sabbath; Passover
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8036] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-04-14 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 13642 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Does the Book of Mormon Help Date the First Christmas?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #255. December 21, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christmas; Birth of Christ; Bible; New Testament; Jesus Christ; Dating; Chronology; Death of Christ; Herod the Great; Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Nephites; Darkness; Star; Mesoamerica; Calendar
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8081] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-12-21 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12183 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Does the Book of Mormon Help Explain the Origins of the Word of Wisdom?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #321. June 2, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Joseph Smith; Kirtland; School of the Prophets; Emma Smith; Drunkeness; Alcohol; Limhi; Captain Moroni
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [8015] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-06-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c Size: 8399 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Does the Book of Mormon Prepare Missionaries to Sacrifice, Serve, and Preach?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #333. June 30, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Missionary Work; Sons of Mosiah; Ammon; Lamoni; Joseph Smith; Emma Smith; John Murdock
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8003] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-06-30 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8722 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Does the Book of Mormon Text Reflect a Seventh-Century-BC Israelite Writing Style?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #635. June 28, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon; Chiasmus; Ancient Israel; Literary Device; Literature
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8857] Status = Type = website article Date = 2022-06-28 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12249 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:09
Scripture Central. “How Does The Book of Mormon Use a Hebrew Pun on King Noa’s Name?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #406. February 8, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Abinadi; King Noah; Hebrew; Word Play; Etymology; Noah’s Ark; Bible; Old Testament; Genesis; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7930] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-02-08 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7449 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Does the Book of Mormon Use an Ancient Storytelling Technique?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #414. March 8, 2018.
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7922] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-03-08 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 6641 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Does the Devil Lead Us Astray?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #55. March 16, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Isaiah; Nephi; Devil; Satan; Adversary; Opposition
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8281] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-03-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8743 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Does the Doctrine of Christ Relate to the Ancient Temple?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #552. March 3, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Temples; Endowment; Ancient Israelite Religion; Repentance; Faith; Baptism; Endure to the End; Tongue of Angels
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7784] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-03-03 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11006 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Does the Epistle to the Hebrews Describe the Family of God?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #697. October 31, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Atonement, Family, New Testament, Hebrews, Roles of Jesus Christ
Links to available media:
ID = [82255] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-10-31 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the Epistle to the Hebrews Reflect the Israelite Temple?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #698. November 7, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Hebrews, Temple, Jesus Christ, Symbolism, Sacrifice, High Priest, Tabernacle, Atonement, Day of Atonement, Holy of Holies, Heaven
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ID = [82254] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-11-07 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the Gospel Bring Us unto Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #338. July 12, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Holy Ghost; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Repentance; Sanctification; Gospel
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7998] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-07-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8062 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Does the Gospel of John Reflect the Day of Atonement?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #675. June 13, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Day of Atonement, Jesus Christ, Roles of Jesus Christ, Typology, Bible, Biblical Studies, New Testament, Temple, Animal Sacrifice
Links to available media:
ID = [82277] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-06-13 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the Joseph Smith Translation Teach Us about Melchizedek?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #643. August 23, 2022.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Joseph Smith Translation; Bible; Old Testament; Melchizedek; Genesis; Priesthood; Priest
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis
ID = [12601] Status = Type = website article Date = 2022-08-23 Collections: bmc-knowhys,old-test,smith-joseph-jr Size: 13817 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:18:20
Scripture Central. “How Does the Lord Make our Burdens Light?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #102. May 18, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: King Noah; Waters of Mormon; Alma; Amulon; Slavery; Baptism; Prayer; Burdens; Bible; Old Testament; Exodus; Refugees
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Exodus Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8234] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-05-18 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 5949 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Does the Parable of the Good Samaritan Teach Us about the Plan of Salvation?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #667. April 18, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Parables of Jesus, Parable, Good Samaritan, Samaritan, Jesus Christ, Plan of Salvation, Plan of Redemption, Atonement
Links to available media:
ID = [82285] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-04-18 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the Parable of the Prodigal Son Teach Us about Repentance?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #669. May 2, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Parables of Jesus, Parable, Prodigal Son, Repentance, Pharisees, Sadducees
Links to available media:
ID = [82283] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-05-02 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the Parable of the Sower Help Us Understand Lehi’s Vision of the Tree of Life?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #663. March 21, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible, Parables of Jesus, Parable, New Testament, Seed, Gospel, Tree of Life, Conversion
Links to available media:
ID = [82289] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-03-21 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the Parable of the Ten Virgins Offer Us Direction in Life?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #672. May 23, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Parable, Parables of Jesus, Holy Ghost, Good Works, Second Coming, Roles of Jesus Christ
Links to available media:
ID = [82280] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-05-23 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the Parable of the Willing and Unwilling Sons Teach about Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #671. May 16, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Parables of Jesus, Roles of Jesus Christ, Lucifer, Satan, Premortal Life, Premortality, Plan of Salvation, Plan of Redemption
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ID = [82281] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-05-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Does the ‘Mosiah-First’ Translation Sequence Strengthen Faith?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #503. February 22, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon Translation; Translation; Joseph Smith; Church History; Small Plates; Large Plates; Mosiah
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [7833] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-02-22 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 20128 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Have LDS Women Shared the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #433. May 15, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Women; LDS; Church History
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7903] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-05-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 7961 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Important Was It to Moroni that We Pray about the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #359. August 30, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Moroni; Prayer; Holy Ghost; Testimony
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7977] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-30 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 6527 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Important was Oliver Cowdery in Bringing Forth the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #270. February 3, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Oliver Cowdery; Joseph Smith; Restoration; Book of Mormon Printing; Book of Mormon Translation; Scribe; Witness; Witnesses; Missionary Work; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > Oliver Cowdery
ID = [8066] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-02-03 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 11586 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How is Christ Both the Father and the Son?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #92. May 4, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Heavenly Father; Abinadi; King Noah; God; Benjamin; Mesoamerica; Trinity; Deity Complex; Roles of Jesus Christ
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah
ID = [8244] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-05-04 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 9610 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Is Prosperity Defined in Nephi’s Small Plates?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #383. November 21, 2017.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Words of Mormon
ID = [7953] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-11-21 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11672 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How is the Day of Atonement Understood in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #479. October 25, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Day of Atonement; Sacrifice; Animal Sacrifice; Cleanliness; Atonement; Jesus Christ
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7857] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-10-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12892 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How is the Name Zoram Connected with Pride?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #458. August 14, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zoram; Zoramites; Hebrew; Word Play; Pride; Etymology; Onomastics; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7878] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-08-14 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 9599 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How is the Phrase ‘Make a Record" an Evidence for the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #444. June 26, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Gold Plates; Bible; Old Testament; Ancient Near East; Literature; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7892] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-06-26 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c,old-test Size: 6481 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Is the Unity of Zion Society Achieved?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #581. October 20, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Zion; Prosperity; Nephites; Christ in America
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 4 Nephi
ID = [7755] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-10-20 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 7011 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How is the Use of Deuteronomy in the Book of Mormon Evidence for its Authenticity?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #428. April 27, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Old Testament; Bible; Deuteronomy; Law of Moses; King Josiah; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Deuteronomy
ID = [7908] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-04-27 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 5788 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Lehi Likened the Scriptures to Himself.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #418. March 22, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Joseph of Egypt; Lehi; Nephi; Likening
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7918] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-03-22 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test,smith-joseph-jr Size: 7528 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Many Others Traveled with Lehi to the Promised Land?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #465. September 6, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Lehi; Nephi; Lehi’s Journey to the Promised Land; New World; Nahom; Bountiful; Solomon’s Temple
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7871] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-09-06 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 9643 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Might Isaiah 48-49 be ‘Likened" to Lehi’s Family?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #23. February 1, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Isaiah; Nephi; Lehi; Family; Likening; Bible; Old Testament
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Isaiah
ID = [8313] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-01 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c,old-test Size: 5716 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:06
Scripture Central. “How Much Could Joseph Smith Have Known about Chiasmus in 1829?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #334. July 3, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Chiasmus; Book of Mormon Translation; Biblical Studies; Joseph Smith; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [8002] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-07-03 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 15351 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Often Do the Articles of Faith Track Sayings of Paul?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #693. October 10, 2023.
Display Keywords
Keywords: New Testament, Early Christian Church, Articles of Faith, Paul, Restoration
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ID = [82259] Status = Type = website article Date = 2023-10-10 Collections: bmc-knowhys,new-test Size:Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 18:54:58
Scripture Central. “How Old Were the Stripling Warriors?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #161. August 9, 2016.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8175] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-08-09 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 5939 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Realistic are Nephite Battle Strategies?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #164. August 12, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: War Chapters; Warfare; Military; Nephites; Lamanites; Strategy; Joseph Smith; Authenticity; Historicity; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8172] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-08-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 7797 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament Help Us Understand What it Means to be Redeemed.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #436. May 24, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Bible; Old Testament; Ruth; Redeemer
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Ruth
ID = [7900] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-05-24 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7492 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How the Law of Moses Teaches about the Atonement.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #424. April 12, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ancient Israel; Law of Moses; Legal; Jesus Christ; Atonement; Nephites
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > General Articles Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7912] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-04-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7633 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Thomas B. Marsh was Led to the Book of Mormon Without Knowing It.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #485. November 15, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Book of Mormon Printing; Testimony
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7851] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-11-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 7124 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Was a Void in Leadership Dangerous for the Nephites?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #172. August 24, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mormon; Reign of the Judges; Helaman; Alma; Pahoran; Nephites; Lamanites; Chief Judge; Paanchi; Pacumeni; Mosiah; Nephite Judges; Kishkumen; Gadianton; Gadianton Robbers; Assassination; Politics; Secret Combinations; Jesus Christ
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Judges Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [8164] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-08-24 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8739 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Was Chiasmus Discovered in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #353. August 16, 2017.
ID = [7983] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 14628 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Was Lehi’s Journey Similar to the Mormon Pioneers’ Trek West?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #357. August 25, 2017.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; Lehi; Nauvoo; Winter Quarters; Pioneers
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7979] Status = Type = website article Date = 2017-08-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 14457 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Was Mosiah a Type of Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #104. May 20, 2016.
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8232] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-05-20 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 5386 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Was Nephi Similar to Joseph of Egypt?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #416. March 15, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Joseph of Egypt; Laman; Bible; Old Testament; Genesis
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7920] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-03-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7837 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “How Was Nephi, Son of Nephi, Similar to John the Baptist?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #196. September 27, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi; Helaman; John the Baptist; Bible; New Testament; Jesus Christ; Forerunner; Prophecy; Repentance; Angels; Baptism; Messenger; Elias; Joseph Smith
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8140] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-09-27 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 5917 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How was Pahoran a Strong Leader in Turbulent Times?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #573. August 11, 2020.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Pahoran; Captain Moroni; Warfare; War Chapters
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7763] Status = Type = website article Date = 2020-08-11 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11776 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Was the Joseph Knight Family Important to Bringing Forth the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #595. February 9, 2021.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Knight; Church History; Doctrine and Covenants; Book of Mormon Translation
Links to available media:
ID = [7741] Status = Type = website article Date = 2021-02-09 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,d-c Size: 12767 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:01
Scripture Central. “How Was the Transfiguration of Jesus and the Three Nephites a Temple-Like Experience?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #509. April 4, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Transfiguration; Three Nephites; Endowment; Temples; Theophany; Jesus Christ; Apostles
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7827] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-04-04 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 18911 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How was There a Night Without Darkness?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #188. September 15, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Samuel the Lamanite; Zarahemla; Birth of Christ; Darkness; Light; Astronomy; Day; Night; Russia; Miracles; Jesus Christ; Mesoamerica; Aztec; Supernova; Christmas; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > 1 & 2 Samuel Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8148] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-09-15 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 12053 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “How Were Jonah and the Brother of Jared Able to Find Comfort?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #526. July 26, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jonah; Brother of Jared; Jaredites; Old Testament; Bible
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether Old Testament Scriptures > Twelve Minor Prophets
ID = [7810] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-07-26 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 7557 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “How Were Judges Elected in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #107. May 25, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Mosiah; Alma; Reign of the Judges; Legal; Chief Judge; King; Mesoamerica; Government; Politics
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Judges Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8229] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-05-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8073 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Were the Amlicites and Amalekites Related?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #109. May 27, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Amlici; Reign of the Judges; Amlicites; Amalekites; Textual Variants; Critical Text; Textual Criticism
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Judges Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [8227] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-05-27 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 6770 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “How Will God Manifest the Truth of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #254. December 16, 2016.
ID = [8082] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-12-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11476 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “Is Anything Known of the Prophet Zenos Outside of the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #67. March 31, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Jacob; Zenos; Allegory of the Olive Tree; Pseudo Philo; Prophets; Bible; Old Testament; Apocrypha; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob Book of Mormon Scriptures > Enos
ID = [8269] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-03-31 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 9519 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “Is It Possible That a Single Author Wrote the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #399. January 16, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Stylometry; Word Print Studies; Book of Mormon Authorship; Joseph Smith; Church History; Sidney Rigdon; Solomon Spalding; Oliver Cowdery; Parley P. Pratt; W. W. Phelps; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > The Translation of the Book of Mormon Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7937] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-01-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,old-test,translation Size: 13824 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “Is the Book of Mormon Like Any Other Nineteenth Century Book?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #502. February 16, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Joseph Smith; Book of Mormon Translation; Oliver Cowdery; View of the Hebrews; Solomon Spaulding; Ethan Smith; Late War; Plagiarism; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [7834] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-02-16 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test,smith-joseph-jr Size: 20684 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is the Book of Mormon Like Other Ancient Metal Documents?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #512. April 25, 2019.
ID = [7824] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-04-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 19032 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is the Book of Mormon Musical?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #500. January 31, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon Musical; Music; Ancient Israel; Temples; Nephi; Nephi’s Psalm; Singing; Poetry; Hebrew
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether
ID = [7836] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-01-31 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 13302 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is the Book of Mormon’s Depiction of Guerrilla Warfare Realistic?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #423. April 10, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Warfare; Gadianton Robbers; Military History; Secret Combinations; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Helaman
ID = [7913] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-04-10 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 10727 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is the Path to Eternal Life ‘Strait’ or ‘Straight"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #456. August 7, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Strait and Narrow; Eternal Life; Nephi; Hebrew; Poetry
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 1 Nephi
ID = [7880] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-08-07 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8703 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is There Evidence for Book of Mormon Highways in Ancient America?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #470. September 25, 2018.
ID = [7866] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-09-25 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 16160 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is there evidence for great destruction in the land northward at the death of Christ?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #530. September 6, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Christ in America; Volcano; Geology; Evidence; Destruction; Lightning; Earthquake; Geography; Mesoamerica; Jesus Christ
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7806] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-09-06 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 11250 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is There Evidence of Sunken Cities in Ancient America?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #429. May 1, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Archaeology; Evidence; Mesoamerica; Lake Atitlan; Christ in America
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [7907] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-05-01 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8525 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Is There Evidence That Joseph Smith Possessed a Urim and Thummim and Breastplate?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #409. February 20, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Urim and Thummim; Breastplate; Joseph Smith; Mormon; Moroni; Church History; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Ether Book of Mormon Scriptures > Moroni
ID = [7927] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-02-20 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 12228 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:03
Scripture Central. “Is there Precedent for General Conference in the Book of Mormon?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #199. September 30, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Church History; General Conference; LDS General Conference; LDSconf; General Authority; Church; Church Organization; Joseph Smith; Gathering; Nephi; Jacob; King Benjamin; Alma; Limhi; Mosiah; Nephites; Instruction; Ancient Israel; Israelite Festivals; Law of Moses; Passover; Pentecost; Rosh Hashanah; Day of Atonement; Feast of Tabernacles; Abinadi
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob Book of Mormon Scriptures > Mosiah Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma Book of Mormon Scriptures > 3 Nephi
ID = [8137] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-09-30 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 9447 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:04
Scripture Central. “Is ‘Nephi’s Psalm’ Really a Psalm?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #30. February 10, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Nephi’s Psalm; Psalms; Bible; Nephi; Death; Jesus Christ; Repentance; Atonement; Afterlife; Ancient Israelite Religion; Ancient Judaism; Evidence
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Old Testament Scriptures > Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon
ID = [8306] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-10 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 8603 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “The Miraculous Translation of the Book of Mormon into Japanese.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #524. July 12, 2019.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Book of Mormon Translation; Japan; Japanese; Church History
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7812] Status = Type = website article Date = 2019-07-12 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 16645 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “The Miraculous Translation of the Book of Mormon into Ukrainian.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #483. November 8, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Ukraine; Book of Mormon Translation; Language
Links to available media:
Topics: Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi
ID = [7853] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-11-08 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom Size: 8989 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02
Scripture Central. “Should 2 Nephi 1:1 - 4:12 Be Called the ‘Testament of Lehi"?” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #29. February 9, 2016.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Testament of Lehi; Jacob; Genesis; Pseudepigrapha; Nephi; Lehi; Patriarch; Ancient Judaism; Family
Links to available media:
Topics: Old Testament Scriptures > Genesis Book of Mormon Scriptures > 2 Nephi Book of Mormon Scriptures > Jacob
ID = [8307] Status = Type = website article Date = 2016-02-09 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,old-test Size: 10164 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:05
Scripture Central. “The Simple Miracle That Helped the Whitmers Further the Book of Mormon.” The Book of Mormon Central website. KnoWhy #488. November 27, 2018.
Display Keywords
Keywords: Early Church History; Service; David Whitmer; Miracles
Links to available media:
Topics: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon > David Whitmer Book of Mormon Scriptures > Alma
ID = [7848] Status = Type = website article Date = 2018-11-27 Collections: bmc-knowhys,bom,history-1820,witnesses Size: 7580 Children: 0 Rebuilt: 9/26/24 9:16:02