Come, Follow Me
Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 15:
April 5–11
“You Are Called to Preach My Gospel”
Doctrine and Covenants 30–36

In the scriptures, we can find insights for our unique circumstances. Ask the Lord to help you find a message meant for you in Doctrine and Covenants 30–36.
D&C 30: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer Jr., and John Whitmer, at Fayette, New York, September 1830, following the three-day conference at Fayette, but before the elders of the Church had separated. Originally this material was published as three revelations; it was combined into one section by the Prophet for the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants.
D&C 31: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Thomas B. Marsh, September 1830. The occasion was immediately following a conference of the Church (see the heading to section 30). Thomas B. Marsh had been baptized earlier in the month and had been ordained an elder in the Church before this revelation was given.
D&C 32: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson, in Manchester, New York, early October 1830. Great interest and desires were felt by the elders respecting the Lamanites, of whose predicted blessings the Church had learned from the Book of Mormon. In consequence, supplication was made that the Lord would indicate His will as to whether elders should be sent at that time to the Indian tribes in the West. The revelation followed.
D&C 33: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Ezra Thayre and Northrop Sweet, at Fayette, New York, October 1830. In introducing this revelation, Joseph Smith’s history affirms that “the Lord … is ever ready to instruct such as diligently seek in faith.”
D&C 34: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Orson Pratt, at Fayette, New York, November 4, 1830. Brother Pratt was nineteen years old at the time. He had been converted and baptized when he first heard the preaching of the restored gospel by his older brother, Parley P. Pratt, six weeks before. This revelation was received in the Peter Whitmer Sr. home.
D&C 35: Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at or near Fayette, New York, December 7, 1830. At this time, the Prophet was engaged almost daily in making a translation of the Bible. The translation was begun as early as June 1830, and both Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer had served as scribes. Since they had now been called to other duties, Sidney Rigdon was called by divine appointment to serve as the Prophet’s scribe in this work (see verse 20). As a preface to the record of this revelation, Joseph Smith’s history states: “In December Sidney Rigdon came [from Ohio] to inquire of the Lord, and with him came Edward Partridge. … Shortly after the arrival of these two brethren, thus spake the Lord.”
D&C 36: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Edward Partridge, near Fayette, New York, December 9, 1830 (see the heading to section 35). Joseph Smith’s history states that Edward Partridge “was a pattern of piety, and one of the Lord’s great men.”
Resources on
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Primary (lesson materials at
“I Hope They Call Me on a Mission,” Children’s Songbook, 169.
- A Mission to the Lamanites, Revelations in Context
- Section 30, “Your Mind Has Been on the Things of the Earth”, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 64
- Chapter 13: Doctrine and Covenants 30–34, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
- Section 31, “Govern Your House”, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 65
- The Faith and Fall of Thomas Marsh, Revelations in Context
- Section 32, The First Mission among the Lamanites, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 66–67
- Ezra Thayer: From Skeptic to Believer, Revelations in Context
- Section 33, “Declare My Gospel”, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 67–68
- Orson Pratt’s Call to Serve, Revelations in Context
- Section 34, A Revelation to Orson Pratt, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 69–70
- Section 35, “I Have … Prepared Thee for a Greater Work”, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 70–72
- “Go to the Ohio”, Revelations in Context
- Chapter 14: Doctrine and Covenants 35–36; 39–40, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
How does the Lord bless those who serve Him?, Liahona – Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants
Resources Mentioned in the Lesson Manual
- “The Faith and Fall of Thomas Marsh”, Revelations in Context, 54–69
- “Ezra Thayer: From Skeptic to Believer”, Revelations in Context, 54–69
- “Orson Pratt’s Call to Serve”, Revelations in Context, 54–69
“Hope of Israel”, Russell M. Nelson and Wendy W. Nelson, worldwide devotional for youth, June 3, 2018
“Go Ye Therefore”, Silvia H. Allred, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 10–12
- Saints, 1:79–80
- Saints, 1:119–20
- 1 Nephi 13:34–41
- Enos 1:11–18
- “A Mission to the Lamanites”, Revelations in Context, 45–49
“I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”, Hymns, no. 270
“I Hope They Call Me on a Mission”, Children’s Songbook, 169
Resources on Interpreter Foundation
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 15: D&C 30–36, Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 15 (D&C 30–36)
Additional Posts & Roundtables on the Interpreter Foundation Website
- “The Gathering of My People” D&C 29:1-8; 33:3-7; 37; 38:24-41; 52:2-5, 42-43; 57:1-3; 110:11, Taylor Halverson, December 3, 2013
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 11, "The Field Is White Already to Harvest", Administration, March 11, 2017
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12, "The Gathering of My People", Administration, March 11, 2017
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 21, "Looking Forth for the Great Day of the Lord to Come", Administration, June 16, 2017
Articles in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
- Mormonism and the Scientific Persistence of Circles: Aristotle, Spacetime, and One Eternal Round, Elizabeth Nielson, April 15, 2016
Resources on Other Sites
Doctrine and Covenants 30-36 (Come, Follow Me), FAIR
Section 30, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 31, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 32, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 33, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 34, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 35, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 36, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Why Was Peter Whitmer Jr. Chosen to Witness the Gold Plates?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #600
Come Follow Me with Casey Paul Griffiths (Doctrine and Covenants 30-36, April 5-11), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 30-36, Apr 5-11), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me: Act in Doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 30-36, Apr 5-11), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me with Taylor Halverson (Doctrine and Covenants 30-36, Apr 5-11), Book of Mormon Central
Hard Questions in Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson: Lesson 14 (D&C 30-37, Apr 5-11), Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 30 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 31 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 32 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 33 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 34 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 35 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 36 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Hard Questions in Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson: Lesson 15 (Joseph Smith Translation), Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine and Covenants 30 & 32, with Scott Woodward, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine and Covenants 30-36 (Apr. 5-11) Come Follow Me Don’t Miss This, Don’t Miss This
Come Follow Me – Doctrine and Covenants 30-36: “Preach My Gospel”, unshaken
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “You Are Called to Preach My Gospel”, Doctrine and Covenants 30-36, Meridian Magazine
Come, Follow Me Podcast #15: “You Are Called to Preach My Gospel”, Doctrine and Covenants 30-36, Meridian Magazine
April 5-11, 2021 Come, Follow Me Songs, Music for Latter-day Life
Doctrine and Covenants 30 to 36 -“You Are Called to Preach My Gospel”, BYU Studies