Come, Follow Me
Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 4:
January 18–24
“My Work Shall Go Forth”
Doctrine and Covenants 3–5

Write down what you learn and feel as you study the scriptures. This will help you remember those impressions and share them with others.
D&C 3: Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1828, relating to the loss of 116 pages of manuscript translated from the first part of the Book of Mormon, which was called the book of Lehi. The Prophet had reluctantly allowed these pages to pass from his custody to that of Martin Harris, who had served for a brief period as scribe in the translation of the Book of Mormon. The revelation was given through the Urim and Thummim. (See section 10.)
D&C 4: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to his father, Joseph Smith Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, February 1829.
D&C 5: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, March 1829, at the request of Martin Harris.
Resources on
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Primary (lesson materials at
I Will Be Valiant,” Children’s Songbook, 162.
- Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants; Doctrine and Covenants 2, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
The Work of God, Doctrine and Covenants Teaching Videos
- Section 3, “The Works and the Designs … of God Cannot Be Frustrated”, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 9–11
- The Contributions of Martin Harris, Revelations in Context
- Chapter 3: Doctrine and Covenants 3; 10, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
Missionaries to Match Our Message, Doctrine and Covenants Teaching Videos, Elder M. Russell Ballard
- Section 4, “O ye That Embark in the Service of God”, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 11–12
- Joseph Smith’s Support at Home, Revelations in Context
- Chapter 7: Doctrine and Covenants 4; 11–12; 14–16, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
- The Contributions of Martin Harris, Revelations in Context
- Section 5, The Testimony of the Three Witnesses, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 12–14
- Chapter 4: Doctrine and Covenants 5; 17, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
Resources on Interpreter Foundation
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 4: D&C 3–5, Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 4 (D&C 3–5)
Additional Posts & Roundtables on the Interpreter Foundation Website
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 11, "The Field Is White Already to Harvest", Administration, March 11, 2017
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 35, "A Mission of Saving", Administration, August 2, 2017
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 4, "Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon", Administration, January 24, 2017
Articles in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
- Faith, Hope, and Charity: The “Three Principal Rounds” of the Ladder of Heavenly Ascent, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, September 7, 2020
- Mormonism and the Scientific Persistence of Circles: Aristotle, Spacetime, and One Eternal Round, Elizabeth Nielson, April 15, 2016
Resources on Other Sites
Doctrine and Covenants 3-5, FAIR
Section 3, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 4, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 5, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Come Follow Me with Casey Paul Griffiths (Doctrine and Covenants 3–5, Jan 18–24), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 3–5, Jan 18-24), Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffin
Come Follow Me: Act in Doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 3–5, Jan 18–24), Book of Mormon bookofmormoncentral
Come Follow Me with Taylor Halverson (Doctrine and Covenants 3–5, Jan 18–24), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me with John Hilton III (Doctrine and Covenants 3–5, Jan 18–24), Book of Mormon Central
Why Did Martin Want a View of the Plates in March 1829?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #592
Doctrine & Covenants 3 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 4 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 4 – Section Resource, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine and Covenants 3, with Scott Woodward, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine and Covenants 4, with Scott Woodward, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine and Covenants 5, with Scott Woodward, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Come Follow Me Don’t Miss This Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 (Jan. 18-24), Don’t Miss This
Come Follow Me – Doctrine & Covenants 3 (D&C 3-5 part 1): “My Work Shall Go Forth”, Unshaken
Come Follow Me – Doctrine & Covenants 4 (D&C 3-5 part 2): “A Marvelous Work”, Unshaken
Come Follow Me – Doctrine & Covenants 5 (D&C 3-5 part 3): “Desired a Witness”, Unshaken
Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “My Work Shall Go Forth”, Doctrine and Covenants 3-5, Meridian Magazine
Come Follow Me Podcast #4: Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 “My Work Shall Go Forth”, Meridian Magazine
January 18-24, 2021 Come, Follow Me, Music for Latter-day Life
- Doctrine & Covenants 3 to 5 – “My Work Shall Go Forth”, BYU Studies
Legacy Resources
BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants: The Lost Manuscript D&C 3 & 10
BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants: Qualifications for Servce D&C 4, 11-12 & 14-16
BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon D&C 5 & 17