Come, Follow Me
Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 45:
November 1–7
“A Voice of Gladness for the Living and the Dead”
Doctrine and Covenants 125–128

Remember to record your feelings as you study Doctrine and Covenants 125–28 so that you can reflect on them and share them with others.
D&C 125: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, March 1841, concerning the Saints in the territory of Iowa.
D&C 126: Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in the house of Brigham Young, at Nauvoo, Illinois, July 9, 1841. At this time Brigham Young was President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
D&C 127: An epistle from Joseph Smith the Prophet to the Latter-day Saints at Nauvoo, Illinois, containing directions on baptism for the dead, dated at Nauvoo, September 1, 1842.
D&C 128: An epistle from Joseph Smith the Prophet to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, containing further directions on baptism for the dead, dated at Nauvoo, Illinois, September 6, 1842.
Resources on
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School (lesson materials at
Come, Follow Me—For Primary (lesson materials at
“Family History—I Am Doing It,” Children’s Songbook, 94.
- Organizing the Church in Nauvoo, Revelations in Context
- Section 125, The Will of God to the Saints in Iowa, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 311–12
- Chapter 49: Doctrine and Covenants 125–28, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2017)
- “Take Special Care of Your Family”, Revelations in Context
- Section 126, Brigham Young: Well Beloved of the Lord, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 313–14
- Section 127, The Nauvoo Temple and Baptism for the Dead, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 314–15
- Section 128, Baptism for the Dead, Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual (2002), pp 316–19
- Letters on Baptism for the Dead, Revelations in Context
Preparation of Joseph Smith: Tutored by Heaven, Doctrine and Covenants Teaching Videos
Resources on Interpreter Foundation
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 45: D&C 125–128, Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 45 (D&C 125–128)
Additional Posts & Roundtables on the Interpreter Foundation Website
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 29, "Building the Kingdom of God in Nauvoo, Illinois", Administration, June 16, 2017
Scripture Roundtable: D&C Gospel Doctrine Lesson 30, "The Prisoners Shall Go Free", Administration, June 25, 2017
Articles in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
- “How long can rolling waters remain impure?”: Literary Aspects of the Doctrine and Covenants, Richard Dilworth Rust, October 6, 2017
- Joseph Smith and the Doctrine of Sealing, A. Keith Thompson, July 8, 2016
- Not Leaving and Going On to Perfection, Matthew L. Bowen, August 7, 2015
- The Life-giving “Water” of the Restoration, Daniel C. Peterson, July 14, 2017
Resources on Other Sites
Come, Follow Me Week 45 – Doctrine and Covenants 125-128, FAIR
Section 125, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 126, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 127, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Section 128, Harper, Steven C. – D&C Contexts (Book of Mormon Central Archive)
Come Follow Me with Casey Paul Griffiths (Doctrine and Covenants 125-128, November 1-7), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 125-128, Nov 1-7), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me: Act in Doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 125-128, Nov 1-7), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me with Taylor Halverson (Doctrine and Covenants 125-128, November 1-7), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me with John Hilton III (Doctrine and Covenants 125-132, November 8-14), Book of Mormon Central
Doctrine and Covenants 126, with Scott Woodward, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 125, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 126, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 127, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Doctrine & Covenants 128, Doctrine & Covenants Central
Hard Questions in Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson: Week 45 (D&C 124-128, Nov 1-7), Doctrine & Covenants Central
Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants 125-128 (Nov. 1-7) Don’t Miss This, Don’t Miss This
Come Follow Me – Doctrine and Covenants 125-128: “For the Living and the Dead”, Unshaken
Come, Follow Me Podcast #45: “A Voice of Gladness for the Living and the Dead”, Doctrine and Covenants 125-128, Meridian Magazine
November 1–7, 2021 Come, Follow Me Songs, Music for Latter-day Life
Doctrine and Covenants 125 to 128 – “A Voice of Gladness for the Living and the Dead”, BYU Studies