2023 Come, Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 18:
April 24 — 30

As you read John 7–10, you may receive impressions from the Holy Ghost about the doctrinal principles in these chapters. Recording your impressions can help you make a plan to act on them.
John 7: Jesus’ kinsmen do not believe—He teaches His Father’s doctrine and proclaims His divine sonship—Truth may be known through obedience—Jesus offers living water to all people—The people have various opinions concerning Him.
John 8: The woman taken in adultery is brought before Christ—Christ is the Light of the world—He again proclaims that He is the Messiah—The true children of Abraham believe in Christ—Jesus says, Before Abraham was I, Jehovah.
John 9: Jesus, on the Sabbath, heals a man born blind—The Jews accuse Him of Sabbath violation—He lectures them on spiritual blindness.
John 10: Jesus is the Good Shepherd—He gained power over death from His Father—He promises to visit His other sheep—He proclaims, I am the Son of God.
- Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 18: April 24–30, Jonn Claybaugh
The New Testament in Context: Come, Follow Me Lesson 18
- Procedural Violations in the Trial of the Woman Taken in Adultery, Steven T. Densley, Jr.
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me New Testament Lesson 17
Through Our Challenges…, Hales Swift
Scripture Roundtable: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 15, “I Am the Light of the World”
Scripture Roundtable: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 16, “I Was Blind, Now I See”
- Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families
- Come, Follow Me—For Sunday School
- Come, Follow Me—For Primary
Lesson 18: New Testament Customs—Leprosy
Lesson 18: New Testament Customs—Time
Life’s Storms
Go and Sin No More (John 8:2-11)
Jesus Declares: I Am the Light of the World, the Truth Shall Make You Free (John 8:12-58)
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41)
The Good Shepherd and Other Sheep I Have (John 10:1-18)
- Jesus Christ and the Feast of Tabernacles, Ryan S. Gardner
- Nicodemus: Coward or Convert?, Sidney R. Sandstrom
- Why Did Jesus Say That There Were “Other Sheep” Who Would Hear His Voice? (KnoWhy #207)
The Healing of the Blind Man at the Pool of Siloam, Messages of Christ
Our Savior in the Gospels: John 7: The Feast of the Tabernacles
Our Savior in the Gospels: Light of the World
Our Savior in the Gospels: John 10 & Luke 10-1: The Cost of Discipleship
Our Savior in the Gospels: The Good Shepherd
- Come Follow Me 2019: John 7–10, Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me John 7-10, Don’t Miss This
Come, Follow Me Podcast #17, “I am the Good Shepherd”, John 7-10, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: Activities and Lesson Helps for John 7-10, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Lesson Helps for John 7-10, Meridian Magazine
- May 5: John 7—10, BYU Studies
- “Come, Follow Me” April 29–May 5: “I Am the Good Shepherd”, LDS Living
- “Come Follow Me” FHE: Shepherding Souls, LDS Living