2023 Come, Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 47:
November 13 — 19
“Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”

As you read the Epistle of James, pay attention to phrases that stand out to you, and record them. How are you prompted to be a “doer” of these words? (James 1:22).
James 1: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God—Resist temptation—Be doers of the word—James explains how to recognize pure religion.
James 2: God has chosen the poor of this world who are rich in faith—Salvation is gained by keeping the whole law—Faith without works is dead.
James 3: By governing the tongue, we gain perfection—Heavenly wisdom is pure, peaceable, and full of mercy.
James 4: Wars are born of lusts—The friends of the world are the enemies of God—Sin is failure to walk in the light we have received.
James 5: Misery awaits the wanton rich—Await the Lord’s coming with patience—The elders are to anoint and heal the sick.
- Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 47: November 13–19, Jonn Claybaugh
The New Testament in Context: Come, Follow Me Lesson 47
- Book Review: Forgery and Counterforgery: The Use of Literary Deceit in Early Christian Polemics, by Bart D. Ehrman, Robert S. Boylan
- “Creator of the First Day”: The Glossing of Lord of Sabaoth in D&C 95:7, Matthew L. Bowen
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me New Testament Lesson 45 (James)
Faith without Works in James 2, Hales Swift
- James. Exhort and Encourage, Taylor Halverson
Scripture Roundtable: New Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 42, “Pure Religion”
- Paul and James on Faith and Works, Mark D. Ellison
- “As the Body without the Spirit”, Ray L. Huntington
- “The Tongue Is a Fire”: The Symbolic Language of James 3, Ray L. Huntington
- “If Any of You Lack Wisdom”: James’s Imperative to Israel, Ray L. Huntington
- Agency and Self-Deception in the Writings of James and 1 John, Ray L. Huntington
- James Treasured the Words of the Lord, His Brother, Book of Mormon Central
- Come Follow Me – James, Book of Mormon Central Archive
The Acts to Revelation, Discussions on the New Testament: James 1; 3-5
The Acts to Revelation, Discussions on the New Testament: Heb. 11; James 2
- Come Follow Me: James, Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me James (Nov. 18-24), Don’t Miss This
Come Follow Me Podcast #45 – “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, James, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families: “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, James, Meridian Magazine
- Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, James, Meridian Magazine
- James – “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, BYU Studies
- “Come, Follow Me” November 18–24: “Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only”, LDS Living
- “Come, Follow Me” FHE: Why Is Temptation Necessary?, LDS Living