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Dan, Thank you for continuing the good fight in your current venue. Your and your colleagues’ work has been invaluable to me in buttressing my own faith and understanding of the gospel and history of the restoration. I look forward to seeing you later this month at Utah State with Margaret Barker and others.
I wholeheartedly agree with this, and I was delighted that you included one of my favorite Lorenzo Snow quotes about being able to rejoice in Joseph’s weakness because it gives us hope for our potential. We could all stand to learn humility, charity, and fairness. As you know, one of the essays on this site really bothered me because I felt it was unfair and uncharitable. So, I echo your call for all of us, including evil apostate sheep-stealers like me, to be fair and charitable–and above all, humble.
It is a much welcomed sight to see you writing introductions for a journal again, Dan. Thanks for your untiring efforts to develop and establish this new, important journal. I look forward to reading many issue introductions to come!
Is there a chance that reviews/essays that were being prepared for publication in the now defunct Mormon Studies Review will see publication in the Interpreter?
“Is there a chance that reviews/essays that were being prepared for publication in the now defunct Mormon Studies Review will see publication in the Interpreter?”
Several already have.
Thank you, Dan, and all those involved with the Interpreter, for carrying on the tradition you established at FARMS. Here’s to a very bright future.
Thanks for the kind words. And, just in case you ever feel inclined to contribute to or join in with Interpreter, please consider this an invitation.
I found myself chatting with one of the Editorial Consultants for Mormon Interpreter–quite by happenstance–and learned of recent changes in the organization of what I’ve always thought of as FARMS. I also learned of the new Mormon Interpreter during that conversation.
I cringed to think unwelcome disagreements led to the change. How could authors with such extensive involvement in the scriptures not walk in green pastures?
Today, I took a few minutes to read Daniel C. Peterson’s article “Charity in Defending the Kingdom.” As I read, I had a sense it was a reflection on the recent changes. It wasn’t until I read “How can the former editor of the FARMS Review (briefly, under his tenure, renamed the Mormon Studies Review) write about charity with a straight face?” that I sadly understood that the entire article turned on that statement. I know temptation, and in this case, temptation won.
The article adds to understanding without publicly grading someone’s work. We’re all imperfect, and charity never faileth. I would that this were private, for I too would learn the healer’s art.
T., actually, the essay was written before the recent unpleasantness at the Maxwell Institute.
My wife is out of state, enjoying herself over on the Oregon coast, so I’m sitting around on a Friday night with nothing better to do than to read through my article to remind myself of what I had said. (You can easily see that I’m desperately bored. Not to mention bitter.)
Anyway, I noticed things that I had, indeed, written after the unpleasantness at the Maxwell Institute. But the article as a whole was written before my departure overseas in June — the unpleasantness occurred about a week or ten days into that trip — and the situation at the Institute was not, ever, its focus. It still isn’t.
Sorry about the/my confusion. It’s been a long day.