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Steven – thank you for an incisive overview of a significant new work that has, I think, flown under the radar of many people thus far. As an introduction to the steady flow of confirmatory and enlightening research coming forth through Book of Mormon Central, the resurrected FARMS 2.0, this book belongs in every LDS home.
Thanks Warren!
I fully agree with what you have said above. And I also want to thank you for having Jason Hartley send me a copy of Nga Mahi. I opened that book and glanced at Jason’s account of the visit of the one he would later discover was Mokomoko in that bedroom. I then opened chapter ten and read a few pages and it was clear that Jason had somehow came to know the Maria Kato version of the instruction given in a whare wananga, which led to my effort to urge others to read that book to understand some very crucial elements of traditional Maori tikanga (culture). I have no way of repaying your koha (gift) other than thanking you.
Though Book of Mormon Central is unaffiliated with the Church, lds.org does recommend this group and their web site as an additional resource for answering doctrinal, historical, and social questions. As an institute instructor I’ve found their web site and material helpful and thought provoking. My students have as well!
They’ve enjoyed their video clips I’ve shown in class. It gets them thinking and asking questions! It helps them analyze and appreciate the Book of Mormon in a deeper, more meaningful way. It’s exciting and faith promoting to see responsible scholarship coming forth that is user-friendly and attractive to both scholar and lay member alike.
Link from lds.org recommending Book of Mormon Central: