There are 3 thoughts on “Ancient Affinities within the LDS Book of Enoch Part Two”.

  1. Pingback: Could Joseph Smith Have Drawn On Ancient Manuscripts When He Translated the Story of Enoch? | Meridian Magazine

  2. Thanks to David and Jeffery for sharing their fine research with many of us who have far less knowledge. The whole subject of the authorship and source of the Book of Moses fascinates me. Is the Book of Moses source revelation to Joseph or did Joseph use available ancient writings of Enoch as the book’s source? Cheryl Bruno believes the latter is more plausible but that most likely source is from Freemasonay “Journal of Religion and Society” volume 16, 2014. In her article she states:

    “Some Mormon writers continue to follow Nibley’s tradition of basing Smith’s prophetic status upon his ability to parallel the Enoch pseudepigrapha without having had access to these ancient writings. This view is problematic.”

    She further states in a footnote: “Many apologists argue that revelation is the only viable origin for Smith’s version of the Enoch stories, despite probable access by Smith to numerous contemporary resources. For representative apologist approaches, see Nibley; Bradshaw; see Cirillo for information on Enoch sources easily available to Smith.”

    Her theory discounts the Book of Moses as being received by revelation and makes her best case that it, the Book of Moses, is the product Joseph access to available pseudepigrapha or even more likely Joseph’s access to “Masonic tradition rather than other sources for inspiration in his Enoch writings.”

    Interesting article. While she seems to ignore the fact that Joseph had no access to 2 or 3 Enoch (as I understand it) her position that Freemasonry is the source for the Book of Moses needs to be investigated.

  3. This was very interesting and educational. I enjoy reading the writings of both David J. Larsen (of Heavenly Ascents) and Jeffrey M. Bradshaw. Thank you both for all the research and work you do and for sharing your knowledge.

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