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Pingback: Brant Gardner’s Labor Dilgently to Write: The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture – Stagger Onward Rejoicing
Brother Gardner, thank you! This is tremendous. I’m only up to chapter nine, but I am really enjoying it so far.
Are there plans to publish this as a book or collected ebook? (I assume this would be another volume through Kofford?)
This is a book only as collected through Interpreter. However, just as other Interpreter volumes are collected and can be acquired as a physical book through Amazon on demand, so this will be available.
Again, a heartfelt thank you for such scholarship and presenting it here.
Thank you, Brother Gardner. This looks like an interesting journey for me.
Where have I been? This is a book that I would be delighted to study, and I have come in on the last installment! Would it be possible to read the other seven articles somewhere on your site?
The rest of the installments are part of the Interpreter Journal: https://journal.interpreterfoundation.org/journal/
Scroll down to get to the first one. All of the segments will be gathered together to form volume 35 of the Journal, and should be in order and together when that happens.