There are 7 thoughts on “Labor Diligently to Write: The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture — Preface”.

  1. Pingback: Brant Gardner’s Labor Dilgently to Write: The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture – Stagger Onward Rejoicing

  2. Brother Gardner, thank you! This is tremendous. I’m only up to chapter nine, but I am really enjoying it so far.

    Are there plans to publish this as a book or collected ebook? (I assume this would be another volume through Kofford?)

    • This is a book only as collected through Interpreter. However, just as other Interpreter volumes are collected and can be acquired as a physical book through Amazon on demand, so this will be available.

  3. Where have I been? This is a book that I would be delighted to study, and I have come in on the last installment! Would it be possible to read the other seven articles somewhere on your site?

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