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What was the theoretical justification for replacing “ceremony” with “sermon”? (Mosiah 19:24)
Watch this video from 1:14:33 to 1:17:42 for the answer: https://youtu.be/KRgAt4PHo_8?t=1h14m33s
Thank you for sharing your results – they are fascinating. A couple of questions that might be answered elsewhere, but I haven’t found yet:
1. Do you believe that the same word for word transmission that Joseph received for the Book of Mormon applies to any of the revelations of the Doctrine and Covenants? Are there also 1500’s-1600’s language in any of the revelations?
2. Who is the author of the preface to the (first) Book of Nephi? I assume it is Mormon, but written in the beginning of the small plates?
3. How many manuscript pages does the 28% represent?
Also – when can we anticipate purchasing the facsimile volumes of the manuscripts from the Joseph Smith Papers Project?
Thanks again!
Some answers from Royal Skousen to EJolley:
1. This comment applies to sections 3-19: They could well have been since they are said to have come by means of “the Urim and Thummim”, which could be either the Interpreters or the seer stone. I have not noticed any 1500s and 1600s language, although some Book of Mormon phraseology is contained therein and I have referred to such occasionally in volume 4 of the critical text.
2. In the last part of the preface we get Nephi’s language in the first person, so I would say he’s the author of the preface, not Mormon. There is a suggestion that “I Nephi” is actually “One Nephi”. I discuss this in volume 4, part 1, pages 50-52.
3. 28% of 492 remaining pages of O would give about 137 pages, but this of course is not what we would actually have with fragments. For the number of pages in O, see the introduction to volume 1 of the critical text (the transcript of O).
Re the also question: The Joseph Smith Papers are thinking 2015 for the transcript and photos of P, later for the transcript and photos of O (which will be much harder to do).
Thank you for your responses
I particularly like the arguments supporting the idea of close control in the translation.
My wife and I enjoyed reading the Yale Edition along with the Restored Covenant Edition published by the Zarahemla Research Foundation, which I reviewed for FARMS a number of years ago. Our vote goes with the Yale edition.
To aid in that review, the ZRF had supplied me with their listing of all changes made since the original and printer’s manuscripts. A change made in error by the scribe for the Printer’s manuscript still persists in the newest LDS edition. The word “consecrated” was changed to “covenanted” in verse 5. The Lord consecrates unto, and covenants with. “Consecrated” is the right word.
Here is how I see the text, starting with verse 5, using the Yale edition wording and punctuation:
But, said he, notwithstanding our afflictions, we have obtained
A a land of promise, a land which is choice above all other lands, a land which the Lord God hath covenanted with me should be a land for the inheritance of my seed.
B Yea, the Lord hath consecrated this land unto me, and to my children forever,
C and also all they which should be led out of other countries by the hand of the Lord. 6
D Wherefore I Lehi prophesy according to the workings of the Spirit which is in me
C’ that there shall none come into this land save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord. 7
B’ Wherefore this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring.
A’ And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given,
it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore,
they shall never be brought down into captivity;
if so, it shall be because of iniquity;
for if iniquity shall abound,
cursed shall be the land for their sakes,
but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever.
Royal will be giving a devotional about the Book of Mormon original text at a fireside THIS SUNDAY, September 29th 2013, at the Daybreak South Jordan Stake Center, at 6 in the evening. This is a multi-Stake Fireside, with a special musical number by David Tolk and Mackenzie Tolk. Refreshments served afterwords. The chapel is located 1 1/2 blocks southwest of the intersection of 4000 W and 11400 South on Foxview Drive.