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It seems that for better or worse, the witnesses to the Book of Mormon stand with their testimony for all time. In what appears to be divinely orchestrated developments, these witnesses saw, or held and handled some form of metallic plates of the appearance of ancient origin.
Daniel Peterson, joining Richard Lloyd Anderson, adds his voice to the declaration of the witnesses, by ensuring that their testimony is broadcast via different forms of media throughout the world. He does this the same as Brother Anderson, by explaining not only the importance, but the “meaning” behind these witness statements and descriptions. Going beyond a simple explanation, his vision is broadcast further by being inscribed in viewable format and visual medium by means of the “Witnesses” movie, docudrama, his blogspot and this very article.
If the witnesses of yesteryear had wanted a medium for which their testimonies could be broadcast to the world, beyond the front pages of the Book of Mormon itself, then Daniel Peterson with a strong supporting cast, has fulfilled their desire to an admirable extent.
This article demonstrates that the veracity of the witnesses is compelling to any honest seeker of truth, particularly that of the Three Witnesses.
The unrecalled Evangelical Christian Apologist quoted at the beginning of the article that some Christians “are too easily talked out of their faith because they had never been talked into it in the first place” was most likely Frank Turek. That statement is part of the lead-in to his podcasts.