There are 2 thoughts on “The Goodness of God and His Children as a Fundamental Theological Concept in the Book of Mormon”.

  1. This paper contains momentous insight into the foundations of Book of Mormon doctrine. A review of the uses of “good” in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament (something I would not otherwise have been prompted to do) underlines how strikingly different Lehite teaching becomes starting with Lehi’s revealed understanding of God’s universal goodness (“thy power, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth, and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!” 1N 1:14). Echoes of this appear in the Bible, but here again The Book of Mormon abolishes theological errors (of the Calvinist / Aqustinian stripe) with divine thoroughness that is unmistakable but as of yet not documented…Thank you, Brother Reynolds!

  2. Once again, I am truly humbled by Noel Reynolds’ close and truly capable reading of the Book of Mormon. His faithful analysis reveals how the the true principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the ultimate manifestation of the goodness of the Father) lie at the core of the Book of Mormon and invite us to “come unto Christ and be perfected in him.”

    I encourage all to read each of his essays recently published by The Interpreter.

    Reynolds’ keen critical intelligence and doctrinal focus reflect deep faith in Christ and surely lead us back to the Book of Mormon and its testimony of Christ, our redeemer.

    I express my admiration and respect for Noel’s work and take great pleasure from learning at his feet.

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