There is one thought on “Celebrating Exactitude,When It’s Appropriate”.

  1. The account by Skousen here of receiving a witness that an account in the Book of Mormon “really happened” reminds me that I received a similar witness during my fourth reading of the Book of Mormon in the summer of 1973, shortly before going on my LDS mission. It was a different passage for me, in my case Ether 12:39, where Moroni declares that he has “seen Jesus, and that he hath talked with me face to face, in plain humility, even as a mantelleth another, in mine own language, concerning these things.” But the impression was unsought, unexpected, and very distinctive. It remains one of the strong threads of what has become a very complex rope that is my testimony. It gave the me patience to take the time with various questions that arose over the years, to have thousands of issues resolved in ways I could not have imagined when they initially arose.

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