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Thanks to the authors for this thoughtful discussion! The careful exposition of the role of the Holy Ghost in Moroni’s writings is very helpful. The short chapters have previously seemed something of a hodge-podge to me, and this article lays out a very coherent picture and theme of the book, even the juxtaposition of the heights of chapter 7 and 8 with the depths of chapter 9. I very much appreciate the fresh way of learning from Moroni’s material.
Thank you Blaine for your comment. When we carefully read the Book of Moroni, we learned many astounding things, that surprised both of us, since we have read this portion of the Book of Mormon many times. There is always something new to discover.
This is very good! Thank you. I’ve been enjoying it over a couple of weeks. As I finished tonight, I realised the connection between what is taught here and something we discussed in Sunday School today. We read Acts 7:51-53, and the teacher asked what Stephen meant, especially by ‘ye do always resist the Holy Ghost’.
Reading this article makes it clear that he was telling the council of elders, and those who accused him, that, rather than inviting the light of Christ into their souls, through the Holy Ghost, they chose darkness and Satan. Instead of becoming filled with charity, brought by the presence of the Holy Ghost dwelling with us, they were filled with hatred, violence, greed, and anger. They didn’t love the people they were supposed to lead, but instead led them, too, to darkness and ignorance. They were, as Jesus had earlier said, not children of Abraham, but of the devil, because they did his works. They consistently – ‘do always’ – rejected the light offered by the Holy Ghost, and chose, instead, darkness. That is why they were ‘cut to the heart’ by Stephen’s exposure of their true state – not by the Holy Ghost, but by indignation. They justified their violent feelings by claiming that he blasphemed (ironically). They didn’t care about blasphemy, or the honour of God, or the truth behind the Law of Moses. They, like the Nephites and Lamanites in Moroni’s record, were filled with the attributes of Satan. That’s why they wanted to kill the Saviour, and Stephen, and other apostles. Stephen’s face even clearly **glowed** with light as he spoke. With their souls filled with darkness, through consistently choosing it and rejecting the Holy Ghost, they couldn’t abide such light, nor Stephen clearly exposing their true state. They would fight against the light, wherever it came.
Hi Tamara. Thank you for the kind words, and we are happy you enjoyed the article.
I was also reflecting on what we wrote as we talked about resisting the Holy Ghost today in Sunday School and you are correct that the Book of Moroni really shows how people either succumb to or resist the power of the Holy Ghost. That is, they are either possessed by the Holy Ghost or by Satan, and their subsequent actions demonstrate that inward possession. The story in Acts today was a very good example of this.
EXCELLENT article! I don’t think we talk about the Gift of the Holy Ghost as much as we in the Church should. This article proves what Joseph Smith answered when asked by U.S. President Van Buren, what is the most significant thing that your church offers and that other churches don’t; Joseph Smith answered, “the Gift of the Holy Ghost.” The Gift of the Holy Ghost makes possible what otherwise would be impossible – that is, becoming like Christ.
Thank you for your comment. There is a lot about the Holy Ghost we do not understand, but we must continually strive to learn about this important member of the Godhead. That was one of the goals of this article.
Thank you Newell Wright and Val Larsen for this amazing article. I found it personally expansive of both my knowledge and my testimony. I found your analysis to be fresh, new, and insightful. I consider it an important contribution. I especially appreciated the progressive building of the chapters. I had always seen them as more of a pot pourri of afterthoughts but they are much, much more than that, as you so powerfully demonstrated. For me, it was amazing and your article changed, forever, how I will read Moroni. Great work!
Thank you Godfrey for the kind words. It constantly amazes me what we can learn when we slow down and carefully read the Book of Mormon.
Yes; the authors really show how they’re connected, not random insertions (I always thought the combination was a bit strange).