There are 3 thoughts on “The Hamites: The Pre-Restoration Monotheism of the Children of Ham in the Book of Abraham”.

  1. Adam, I hope this doesn’t come across as flattery, but I like you. You have integrity. May I make a suggestion?

    Forget everything you have been taught by the churches that have passed through your life, and well-meaning individuals such as me. And ask Heavenly Father which church, if any, is his one and only true church. Joseph Smith did exactly that and got an answer. Why would you be any different? After all—If any lack wisdom . . .

  2. Elder Stokes, thank you for your insight. I had never really considered the positive portrayal of the Hamites in the BoA, though I have always kind of considered Pharaoh the “Godfather” of human civilization based on his positive portrayal in the BoA.

    It’s great to hear from our theological cousins (the Restoration being our common “ancestor”) – thanks again for your contribution.

  3. Interesting article and much appreciated. The very positive portrayal of Hamites should not be ignored. Also, prior to the 1978 revelation, I had long noted that God restricted the priesthood to the tribe of Levi. Obviously, this restriction had nothing to do with race. To my knowledge, no reason was given for this restriction. With the Atonement this restriction was nullified. Personally, I was delighted in the 1978 revelation!

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