There are 7 thoughts on “An Analysis of the Financial Incentives in Attacking the Restoration”.

  1. If one wants to understand the Jewish people, the neo-Nazi propaganda is readily available, especially today and easy to read. The Nazi would have loved you tube! I am not calling the anti-LDS, Nazis but they should be aware of some similarities in methodologies.

    I’ve been a member of the Church since 1964 and at 80 I still have a strong testimony. I have learned much by reading the work of Hugh Nibley and the scholars that followed him, as well as the contributors to Interpreter. Not always easy reading!

    The path leading down is always easier.

    Thank you for an interesting read.

    • Steve,

      It is interesting that you should mention the persecution of the Jews in this context. They are the most recognizable members of the Houses of Israel and Satan has been trying to destroy them since Haman engineered a designated day when they would all be killed. They were saved by your namesake, his cousin Esther, and the fasting and prayers of the Jews.

      It is all about the covenant of Abraham and the responsibility of the House of Israel to the the Gospel to the whole world. Satan is particular concerned about the Judah, because as the Book of Mormon points out, when they join with Joseph in this effort, Satan is finished.

  2. “Critics of the Church may present themselves as mere seekers of truth who are just asking sincere questions, but their actions and apparent financial incentives may be at odds with such innocent appearances.”
    Thank you. Perfectly stated. This article seems to be the right amount of critique. It seems we are supposed to make transparent those who harm the church (D and C 50:32-33).

  3. Satan pays in cash, and this is probably just the beginning of the return of the persecutions against the Church and the Latter-day Saints. Mormon, who wrote the book for us, held up Captain Moroni as the greatest defender of the faith. That seems a little ominous.

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