There is one thought on “The Literary Structure of Alma 23–27”.

  1. Derek,
    Thanks for writing this. I have always thought Abinadi has a lot more prophecy than we know of. This is because he is referenced in Mormon 1:19.
    So I never knew why Mormon chose the ones he included. Now I see he made a chiasm around it as well.
    I agree with you, it would have made their acceptance by the Nephites easier.
    I’m sure the martyrs would also feel a little better knowing they helped their brothers and they are linked to Abinadi.

    I have to say I dont often think of Mormon’s writing when I think of Chiasms. Donald Parry’s book places virtually no chiasms in Mormon or Moroni 8-9. Now I am second guessing myself. But, perhaps the Chiasms exist in the unabridged record and so Mormon isn’t writing it per se… he just seems to summarize in the same order. that may speak to the interruption in Alma 26?
    If Mormon is just summarizing then you really have found how the people in Alma’s day thought and wrote about them. Perhaps the chiasm is a tribute originally by Alma. Alma 26 is essentially an addition by a later scribe. That would also explain the chapters not lining up. With respect to the chiasm.
    Happy for your thoughts.

    I’m sure I’ll think of more as soon as I hit post. Very stimulating article.

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