There are 7 thoughts on “Why Did You Choose Me?”.

  1. Hi Joeseph. You wrote, “To enter, they must commit to stay two years, and, even more impressive, they must plead guilty to every charge the prosecutor levels against them.” If I understand you correctly, this means that a person may need to lie (ie. plead guilty to a charge they may not be guilty of) to enter the program. I don’t see lieing as being similar to the Savior’s atonement. I don’t think we I need to admit to other people’s sins to be eligable for Christ’s atonement. Perhaps I’ve missed something?

  2. Why is it that the USA has the highest per capita rate of incarceration on the planet (when the Seychelle Islands are excluded as anomalous)? Why haven’t we learned to save money and save lives by rehabilitating criminals? Why don’t we have more diversion programs for non-violent felons? Why do we allow prosecutors to hold the accused in county jail for long periods so that confessions or plea bargains can be wrung out of them — even when they are not likely guilty? How many Innocence Project victories do we need to make us aware that the justice system is rigged against most of those who are accused? Why isn’t justice of primary interest to judges? Why is the public so fascinated with punishment/ penology?

  3. Joseph,
    Thank you for this view of a better way of helping those who are addicted crime. At the beginning of your article you wrote:
    “I have struggled to understand the connection between a man writhing in agony in a garden two thousand years ago and my being forgiven for angry things I said to my teenage son this morning.”
    This is a common struggle for all to understand and your article is helpful towards that understanding. Many years ago I had an experience similar to that of Enos and Alma, where I was racked with incredible torment because of my sins, and was curled up in a fetal position on the ground in serious agony. In my deep pain I called out to God to forgive me, and to remove this pain from me. Instantly the pain and agony were gone, and were replaced with peace, gratitude and love for my Savior. Like Enos, I thought, “Lord, how is it done?”
    Since that time I have realized that Jesus could not have suffered in Gethsemane for the sins of Theodore unless He had known what Theodore’s sins were. Therefore, that night in Gethsemane, He must have looked back and forth through all generations of time and saw every person that ever was born on this earth and every person who would be born on this earth. Something like what Moses saw when we read, “Moses beheld the world and the ends thereof, and all the children of men which are, and which were created.” (Moses 1:8) Only this time Jesus must have seen each one of our entire lives, and because of His infinite love for each one of us He felt every pain and sorrow of all. Further, He would have felt all of the eternal pains everyone would have to suffer for their sins. It was truly an infinite sacrifice brought about by infinite love. Something that finite minds can only begin to try and comprehend

  4. A very appropriate change of pace to prepare us for Easter. Thank you!
    I look forward to learning more about the long-term results of this program, including overall recidivism rates along with the individual stories of participants. So many idealistic efforts have failed, but I pray that this one will prosper and bless not only the participants but the outside community.

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