As you study the Old Testament Gospel Doctrine lessons, you may appreciate the resources available on this page. Below you will find each lesson in the course of study, along with the scriptures covered in those lessons. (If you click the scripture references, you will find they are links to the scriptures.) If you click anywhere on the lesson line, you will see links to the official lesson materials; one of our Scripture Roundtable discussions about the lesson; and links to articles, videos, KnoWhys, podcasts, maps, timelines and charts related to the topics of the lesson on the Church, Interpreter Foundation, Interpreter: a Journal of Mormon Scriptures and other related websites.
General Background Articles
Bible Chronology (Study Helps at
Old Testament Chronology Chart
The World of the Old Testament (Bible map at
Physical Map of the Holy Land (Bible map at
Canaan in Old Testament Times (Bible map at
Holy Land Elevations (Bible map at
Israel’s Exodus from Egypt and Entry into Canaan (Bible map at
The Division of the 12 Tribes (Bible map at
The Empire of David and Solomon (Bible map at
The Assyrian Empire (Bible map at
The New Babylonian Empire and the Kingdom of Egypt (Bible map at
The Persian Empire (Bible map at
- Between the Testaments: An Invitation to Explore the Intertestamental Time Period by Taylor Halverson
- Why Do the Prophets Speak of Multiple Jerusalems? (KnoWhy #247)
- Old Testament Lessons
Discussions on the Old Testament: An Introduction and Overview
Discussions on the Old Testament: Between the Testaments
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: The Facsimiles/The Picnic
Lesson 1: “This Is My Work and My Glory”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 1, “This Is My Work and My Glory”
- KnoWhy #OTL01A — Why Did Moses Seem to Repeat the Same Experience Twice in His Vision?
- How Do the Book of Moses and Book of Mormon Help Us Understand the Endowment? (KnoWhy #396)
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: Introduction/Adam and Eve
Is There a Conflict Between Science and Religion (Preparing for Come, Follow Me – Old Testament), Book of Mormon Central
Preparing to Read the Old Testament, Book of Mormon Central
Come, Follow Me Week 1, Part 1/6 (Dec 27 – Jan 2, Moses 1, Abraham 3), Book of Mormon Central
Come, Follow Me Week 1, Part 2/6 (Dec 27 – Jan 2, Moses 1, Abraham 3), Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me Old Testament Moses 1; Abraham 3 (Dec 27-Jan 2) Don’t Miss This, Don’t Miss This
Lesson 2: “Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 2, “Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born”
- KnoWhy #OTL02A — What Was the Nature of Satan’s Premortal Proposal?
Creation and Temple by David Seely and Jo Ann Seely
- “Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born” Abraham 3; Moses 4:1-4 by Taylor Halverson
- How a Tangent About Foreordination Helps Explain Repentance (KnoWhy #398)
Lesson 3: The Creation
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 3, The Creation
- KnoWhy #OTL03A — What Can the Architecture of Israelite Temples Teach Us About Creation and the Garden of Eden?
- KnoWhy #OTL03B — Did Moses Write the Book of Genesis?
- Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation? (KnoWhy #400)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 1: The Creation
Lesson 4: “Because of My Transgression My Eyes Are Opened”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 4, “Because of My Transgression My Eyes Are Opened”
- KnoWhy #OTL04A — Did Satan Actually Deceive Eve?
- KnoWhy #OTL04B — Was Adam Meant to “Rule Over” or “Rule With” Eve?
The Tree of Knowledge as the Veil of the Sanctuary by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
- Why Did Nephi Say Serpents Could Fly? (KnoWhy #316)
- Why We Still Have to Cling to the Iron Rod Even Though the Path is Strait (KnoWhy #402)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 2-3: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: Introduction/Adam and Eve
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 4-6: The Fall; The Patriarchs
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: The Premortal Life/Canning/Boarding House
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: Atonement and Rebirth
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: Obedience and Sacrifice/The Bicycle
Lesson 5: “If Thou Doest Well, Thou Shalt Be Accepted”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 5, “If Thou Doest Well, Thou Shalt Be Accepted”
- KnoWhy #OTL05A — Why Was Joseph Smith Initially Prohibited from Publishing His Bible Translation?
- KnoWhy #OTL05B — How Does Moses 5-8 Illustrate the Consequences of Keeping and Breaking Temple Covenants One By One?
- KnoWhy #OTL05C — Could Joseph Smith Have Drawn On Ancient Manuscripts When He Translated the Story of Enoch?
KnoWhy #OTL05D — What Did Hugh Nibley Have to Say About the LDS Enoch and the Aramaic Book of the Giants?
What Did Joseph Smith Know about Temple Ordinances by 1836? by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw at the by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw at the 2014 Temple on Mount Zion Conference
The LDS story of Enoch As a Temple Text by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw at the 2013 “Enoch and the Temple” Conference
Could Joseph Smith Have Drawn on Ancient Manuscripts When He Translated the Story of Enoch? by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
- “By the Blood Ye Are Sanctified”: The Symbolic, Salvific, Interrelated, Additive, Retrospective, and Anticipatory Nature of the Ordinances of Spiritual Rebirth in John 3 and Moses 6 by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw and Matthew L. Bowen
- What Does an Ancient Book About Enoch Have to Do With Lehi’s Dream? (KnoWhy #404)
How did Masonry get started in Nauvoo?, with Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 4-6: The Fall; The Patriarchs
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: The Ministry of Enoch
Lesson 6: “Noah … Prepared an Ark to the Saving of His House”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 6, “Noah … Prepared an Ark to the Saving of His House”
- KnoWhy #OTL06A — Was Noah’s Ark Designed As a Floating Temple?
- KnoWhy #OTL06B — Was Noah Drunk or in a Vision?
- KnoWhy #OTL06C — What Was All the Confusion About at the Tower of Babel?
A Tower of Literary Beauty: Wordplay and Chiasmus in the Story of Babel by Jeffrey Bradshaw
The Ark and the Tent: Temple Symbolism in the Story of Noah, a talk by Jeffrey Bradshaw at “The Temple on Mount Zion” Conference (2012)
Symbolism in the Bible and the Flood with Paul Hoskisson
- “Noah…Prepared an Ark to the Saving of His House” Moses 8:19-30; Genesis 6-9; 11:1-9 by Taylor Halverson
- Where did the Brother of Jared Get the Idea of Shining Stones? (KnoWhy #240)
- How Does The Book of Mormon Use a Hebrew Pun on King Noah’s Name? (KnoWhy #406)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 9-16: Noah; Abraham and the Covenant
Lesson 7: The Abrahamic Covenant
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
- Race and the Priesthood
- Unity in Diversity
Unity in Diversity (LDS Media Library)
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 7, The Abrahamic Covenant
- KnoWhy #OTL07A — If “All Are Alike Unto God,” Why Were Special Promises Reserved for Abraham’s Seed?
Ugo A. Perego – “All Abraham’s Children: A Genetic Perspective”
- Why Did Book of Mormon Prophets Discourage Nephite-Lamanite Intermarriage? (KnoWhy #110)
- Why Did Nephi Say That All Are Alike Unto God? (KnoWhy #145)
- How Can We Receive the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant? (KnoWhy #408)
- How Did Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Authors Use Chiasmus? (KnoWhy #340)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Abraham: A Man of Faith and Righteousness
Discussions on the Pearl of Great Price: The Abrahamic Covenant
Lesson 8: Living Righteously in a Wicked World
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 8, Living Righteously in a Wicked World
KnoWhy #OTL08A — Abraham’s Hebron: Then and Now, Part 1: Introduction
KnoWhy #OTL08B — Abraham’s Hebron: Then and Now, Part 2: The Tomb of the Patriarchs
KnoWhy #OTL08C — Abraham’s Hebron: Then and Now, Part 3: Jacob’s Well and the Tombs of Joseph and Rachel
KnoWhy #OTL08D — Abraham’s Hebron: Then and Now, Part 4: Ancient Hebron
KnoWhy #OTL08E — Abraham’s Hebron: Then and Now, Part 5: Mamre
- What Parts of the Old Testament Were on the Plates of Brass? (KnoWhy #410)
- How Did God Call His Prophets in Ancient Times? (KnoWhy #17)
Lesson 9: “God Will Provide Himself a Lamb”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
“Akedah (The Binding)”
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 9, “God Will Provide Himself a Lamb”
- KnoWhy #OTL09A — Must Every Disciple Make an Abrahamic Sacrifice?
- “By the Blood Ye Are Sanctified”: The Symbolic, Salvific, Interrelated, Additive, Retrospective, and Anticipatory Nature of the Ordinances of Spiritual Rebirth in John 3 and Moses 6, pp. 149-155 by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw and Matthew L. Bowen
- Hagar in LDS Scripture and Thought by Andrew C. Smith
- What Does It Really Mean to be Blessed for Keeping the Commandments? (KnoWhy #367)
- How Abraham’s Sacrifice of Isaac Illuminates the Atonement (KnoWhy #412)
- Whom Did Nephi Quote in 1 Nephi 22? (KnoWhy #25)
- Abraham in Egypt: The Sacrifice of Isaac (Hugh Nibley)
- Abraham in Egypt: The Sacrifice of Sarah (Hugh Nibley)
Lesson 10: Birthright Blessings; Marriage in the Covenant
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 10, Birthright Blessings, Marriage in the Covenant
- KnoWhy #OTL10A — What Are We to Make of Jacob’s Apparent Deceitfulness?
- “Birthright Blessings; Marriage in the Covenant” Genesis 24-29 by Taylor Halverson
- “I Kneeled Down Before My Maker”: Allusions to Esau in the Book of Enos by Matthew L. Bowen
- “And There Wrestled a Man with Him” (Genesis 32:24): Enos’s Adaptations of the Onomastic Wordplay of Genesis by Matthew L. Bowen
- How Does the Book of Mormon Use an Ancient Storytelling Technique? (KnoWhy #414)
- How Did Enos Liken the Scriptures to His Own Life? (KnoWhy #265)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 23-30: The Birthright
Lesson 11: “How Can I Do This Great Wickedness?”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 11, “How Can I Do This Great Wickedness?”
- KnoWhy #OTL11A — Why Are the Stories of Joseph and Judah Intertwined?
- Should 2 Nephi 1:1 – 4:12 Be Called the “Testament of Lehi”? (KnoWhy #29)
- What the Exodus Teaches Us about the Atonement (KnoWhy #419)
- How Was Nephi Similar to Joseph of Egypt? (KnoWhy #416)
- Why Did Nephi Connect Isaiah’s Prophecies with Joseph Who Was Sold into Egypt? (KnoWhy #375)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 29-37: Jacob and His Family
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 37-50: Joseph
Lesson 12: “Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
The World of the Old Testament (Bible map at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12, “Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction”
- KnoWhy #OTL12A — How Should We Understand the Rich Symbolism in Jacob’s Blessings of Judah and Joseph?
- KnoWhy #OTL12B — What Can We Learn About Patriarchal Blessings from a Congolese Patriarch?
- How Lehi Likened the Scriptures to Himself (KnoWhy #418)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Gen. 49 – Ex. 10: The Death of Jacob; Moses
- “What is a patriarchal blessing?,” Laurent Clément Shambuyi Biaya Katembwe, a stake patriarch in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- “What is the significance of the declaration of lineage?,” Laurent Clément Shambuyi Biaya Katembwe, a stake patriarch in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- “What is the role of revelation in patriarchal blessings?,” Laurent Clément Shambuyi Biaya Katembwe, a stake patriarch in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lesson 13: Bondage, Passover, and Exodus
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Israel’s Exodus from Egypt and Entry into Canaan (Bible map at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 13, Bondage, Passover, and Exodus
- KnoWhy #OTL13A — What Did the Lord Mean When He Said Moses Would Become “God to Pharaoh” During the Plagues of Egypt?
- KnoWhy #OTL13B — What Can We Learn About the Historical Exodus from Outside the Scriptures?
- Lesson 13: Bondage, Passover, and Exodus (KnoWhy #29)
- What the Exodus Teaches Us about the Atonement (KnoWhy #419)
- Has An Artifact That Relates to the Book of Mormon Been Found? (KnoWhy #103)
- Have the Valley of Lemuel and the River Laman Been Found? (KnoWhy #286)
- Who Called Ishmael’s Burial Place Nahom? (KnoWhy #19)
- Has the Location of Nephi’s Bountiful Been Discovered? (KnoWhy #259)
- Why Is Lehi Depicted as Similar to Moses? (KnoWhy #268)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Ex. 11-18: The Passover and the Exodus
- “Moses the Magician,” Gary Rendsburg at the 2013 UCSD Exodus Conference “Out of Egypt: Israel’s Exodus Between Text and Memory, History and Imagination”
- “Light from Egypt on the Exodus Story,” Gary Rendsburg 2007 talk at BYU Kennedy Center
- “The Exodus Based on the Sources Themselves,” R.E. Friedman at the 2013 UCSD Exodus Conference “Out of Egypt: Israel’s Exodus Between Text and Memory, History and Imagination”
- “Persistence of folk religion among the Israelites,” W. G. Dever 2013 in Logan, Utah
- “A Passover Story: Archaeology and the Exodus,” Joshua Berman
- Ancient Discoveries: Egyptian Warfare History Channel
Lesson 14: “Ye Shall Be a Peculiar Treasure unto Me”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 14, “Ye Shall Be a Peculiar Treasure unto Me”
- KnoWhy #OTL14A — What Similarities Are There Between Egyptian and Israelite Temples?
- KnoWhy #OTL14B — What Were Israel’s Most Serious Provocations of the Lord in the Wilderness?
- “Ye Shall Be a Peculiar Treasure unto Me.” Exodus 15-20; 32-34
John Gee on “Edfu and Exodus” at the Interpreter Foundation 2012 Temple on Mount Zion Conference
“What Did Joseph Smith Know about Temple Ordinances by 1836?,” J. M. Bradshaw at the Interpreter Foundation 2014 Temple on Mount Zion Conference
“The Ancient Israelite Tabernacle, Its Accoutrements, and the Priestly Vestments,” Daniel Smith at the Interpreter Foundation 2016 Temple on Mount Zion Conference
- The Temple: A Multi-Faceted Center and Its Problems by Joshua Berman
- Why Did Moroni Use Temple Imagery While Telling the Brother of Jared Story? (KnoWhy #237)
- How Can the Old Testament Covenants Help Us Understand the Book of Mormon? (KnoWhy #363)
- Was Nephi’s Slaying of Laban Legal? (KnoWhy #256)
- Why the Book of Mormon’s Depiction of a Loving God Fits with the Old Testament (KnoWhy #422)
- Why Did Abinadi Use a Disguise? (KnoWhy #310)
- Why Does Jacob Describe God as a Divine Warrior? (KnoWhy #277)
- Why Did the People of Sidom Go to the Altar for Deliverance? (KnoWhy #122)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Ex. 20: The Ten Commandments
Discussions on the Old Testament: Ex. 21-24 & 31-35: The Law of Moses
Discussions on the Old Testament: The House of the Lord in the Wilderness
Discussions on the Old Testament: Lev. 1-27: The Book of Leviticus
- The Tabernacle and the Messiah,” Daniel Smith
- “Differences between the Tabernacle and the Temple,” Joshua Berman at the Academy for Temple Studies
- “The Differences Between the Tabernacle and the Temple,” Joshua Berman at the BYU Kennedy Center
Lesson 15: “Look to God and Live”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 15, “Look to God and Live”
- KnoWhy #OTL15A — How Do the Serpent and the Shewbread Symbolize Christ?
- How the Law of Moses Teaches about the Atonement (KnoWhy #424)
- Why Did Nephi Say Serpents Could Fly? (KnoWhy #316)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Num. 1-7: Lessons in the Wilderness–Part 1
Discussions on the Old Testament: Num. 8-21: Lessons in the Wilderness–Part 2
Discussions on the Old Testament: Num. 21-36: Lessons in the Wilderness–Part 3
Lesson 16: “I Cannot Go Beyond the Word of the Lord”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
- (cited in the Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual)
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 16, “I Cannot Go Beyond the Word of the Lord”
- KnoWhy #OTL16A — Have There Been Any Latter-Day Parallels to Balaam’s Blessing?
- Why Don’t We Know the Names of the Angels in the Book of Mormon? (KnoWhy #426)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Num. 21-36: Lessons in the Wilderness–Part 3
Lesson 17: “Beware Lest Thou Forget”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 17, “Beware Lest Thou Forget”
- KnoWhy #OTL17A — What Are the Most Cited, Recited, and Misunderstood Verses in Deuteronomy?
- How is the Use of Deuteronomy in the Book of Mormon Evidence for its Authenticity? (KnoWhy #428)
- How Can the Book of Mormon Help Saints Live the Law of Consecration? (KnoWhy #297)
- How Can the Old Testament Covenants Help Us Understand the Book of Mormon? (KnoWhy #363)
- Why Did Nephi Say Serpents Could Fly? (KnoWhy #316)
- Why Does Jacob Describe God as a Divine Warrior? (KnoWhy #277)
- Why Could Seantum be Convicted Without Any Witnesses? (KnoWhy #180)
- How Could Lehi Offer Sacrifices Outside of Jerusalem? (KnoWhy #9)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Deut. 1-10: Final Sermons of Moses–Part 1
Discussions on the Old Testament: Deut. 11-34: Final Sermons of Moses–Part 2
Lesson 18: “Be Strong and of a Good Courage”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
The Division of the 12 Tribes (Bible map at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 18, “Be Strong and of a Good Courage”
- KnoWhy #OTL18A — Did Joshua “Utterly Destroy” the Canaanites?
- “Be Strong and of a Good Courage.” Joshua 1-6; 23-24
- Why Did the Stripling Warriors Perform Their Duties “With Exactness”? (KnoWhy #165)
- Why Did the “Pride Cycle” Destroy the Nephite Nation? (KnoWhy #195)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Josh. 1-24: Entry into the Promised Land
- John Walton – The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest
Lesson 19: The Reign of the Judges
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 19, The Reign of the Judges
- KnoWhy #OTL19A — Why and How Should We Study the Old Testament?
Discussions on the Old Testament: Judg. 1-12: Judges–Part 1
Discussions on the Old Testament: Judg. 13-Ruth 4: Judges–Part 2
- A 15-minute excerpt from the 1960’s church film “The Search for Truth”
Lesson 20: “All the City … Doth Know That Thou Art a Virtuous Woman”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 20, “All the City … Doth Know That Thou Art a Virtuous Woman”
- KnoWhy OTL20A — How Does the Book of Ruth Provide a Model for Marriage?
Discussions on the Old Testament: Judg. 13-Ruth 4: Judges–Part 2
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Sam. 1-15: Samuel and Saul
Lesson 21: God Will Honor Those Who Honor Him
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 21, God Will Honor Those Who Honor Him
- KnoWhy OTL21A — What Is the Meaning of the Samuel’s Reply: “Here Am I”?
- How Did God Call His Prophets in Ancient Times? (KnoWhy #17)
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Sam. 1-15: Samuel and Saul
Lesson 22: “The Lord Looketh on the Heart”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 22, “The Lord Looketh on the Heart”
- KnoWhy OTL22A — What Was the Religious Role of Music in the Life and Times of David?
- “The Lord Looketh on the Heart.” 1 Samuel 9-11; 13; 15-17
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Sam. 1-15: Samuel and Saul
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Sam. 16-31: Saul and David
Lesson 23: “The Lord Be Between Thee and Me For Ever”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 23, “The Lord Be Between Thee and Me For Ever”
- KnoWhy OTL23A — How Does the Story of David’s Loyalty to Saul Apply in Our Day?
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Sam. 16-31: Saul and David
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Sam. 18-2 Sam. 5: The Fall of King David
Lesson 24: “Create in Me a Clean Heart”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
The Empire of David and Solomon (Bible map at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 24, “Create in Me a Clean Heart”
- KnoWhy OTL24A — Why Is the Story of David and Bathsheba Significant? (Part 1 of 2)
- KnoWhy OTL24B — Why Is the Story of David and Bathsheba Significant? (Part 2 of 2)
- How Can the Old Testament Covenants Help Us Understand the Book of Mormon? (KnoWhy #363)
- Why Did Jesus Tell All People to Sacrifice a Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit? (KnoWhy #198)
- Why Did Alma Add “Chains of Hell” to Abinadi’s Phrase “Bands of Death”? (KnoWhy #111)
Discussions on the Old Testament: 2 Sam. 6-12: David’s Kingship and Decline
Discussions on the Old Testament: The Price of Sin–Tragedy in the House of David
Lesson 25: “Let Every Thing That Hath Breath Praise the Lord”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 25, “Let Every Thing That Hath Breath Praise the Lord”
- KnoWhy OTL25A — Is There More to Psalm 23 Than Words of Solace and Comfort?
- Why Did Lehi Quote from a Psalm of Repentance In His Dream? (KnoWhy #325)
- Why Did Zenos Quote from Psalm 46 in His Prophecy of Christ’s Death? (KnoWhy #313)
- Why Does Jacob Quote So Much from the Psalms? (KnoWhy #62)
- Why Does Jacob Describe God as a Divine Warrior? (KnoWhy #277)
- Why Did Ammon Borrow So Much from Tradition in Alma 26? (KnoWhy #133)
- Why Did Moroni Conclude His Father’s Record with 22 Commands? (KnoWhy #234)
- Why Did Helaman Compare Christ to a Rock? (KnoWhy #176)
- Why Did Ammon Borrow So Much from Tradition in Alma 26? (KnoWhy #133)
- Why Did Alma Add “Chains of Hell” to Abinadi’s Phrase “Bands of Death”? (KnoWhy #111)
- Why Does Abinadi Use the Phrase “the Bands of Death”? (KnoWhy #93)
- What are the Origins of Lehi’s Understanding of the Fall? (KnoWhy #28)
- Was the Requirement of a “Broken Heart” Known Before the Time of Christ? (KnoWhy #27)
- Did Pre-Christian Prophets Know About Christ? (KnoWhy #12)
Discussions on the Old Testament: The Psalms–Part 1
Discussions on the Old Testament: The Psalms–Part 2: Messianic Psalms
Lesson 26: King Solomon: Man of Wisdom, Man of Foolishness
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 26, King Solomon: Man of Wisdom, Man of Foolishness
- KnoWhy OTL26A — Why Does “Holiness To the Lord” Appear on LDS Temples?
- “King Solomon; Man of Wisdom, Man of Foolishness.” 1 Kings 3; 5-11
- Why Did the People of Sidom Go to the Altar for Deliverance? (KnoWhy #122)
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Kgs. 1-11: Solomon
Lesson 27: The Influence of Wicked and Righteous Leaders
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 27, The Influence of Wicked and Righteous Leaders
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Kgs. 12-16: A Kingdom Divided Against Itself
Lesson 28: “After the Fire a Still Small Voice”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 28, “After the Fire a Still Small Voice”
- KnoWhy OTL28A — Is the Spirit of Elijah a Healing Power in Addition to Being a Sealing Power?
- How Did Nephi Use the Power to Seal on Earth and in Heaven? (KnoWhy #182)
Discussions on the Old Testament: 1 Kgs. 17-22: The Ministry of Elijah
Lesson 29: “He Took Up … the Mantle of Elijah”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 29, “He Took Up … the Mantle of Elijah”
- KnoWhy OTL29A — What Should We Make of the Story of Elisha and the Bears?
- KnoWhy OTL29B — What Is the Significance of the Unusual Symbolism in Elisha’s Healings?
Discussions on the Old Testament: 2 Kgs. 1-4: The Ministry of Elisha
Discussions on the Old Testament: 2 Kgs. 4-9: The Ministry of Elisha
Lesson 30: “Come to the House of the Lord”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
The Assyrian Empire (Bible map at
The New Babylonian Empire and the Kingdom of Egypt (Bible map at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 30, “Come to the House of the Lord”
- KnoWhy OTL30A — What New Archaeological Discoveries in Jerusalem Relate to Hezekiah?
- “Come to the House of the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 29-30; 32-34
Lesson 31: “Happy Is the Man That Findeth Wisdom”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 31, “Happy Is the Man That Findeth Wisdom”
- Why Did Nephi Work So Hard to Preserve the Wisdom He Had Received? (KnoWhy #262)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Prov. 1-Eccl. 12: Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
Lesson 32: “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 32, “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth”
Learning from an Impatient Biblical Job with Michael Austin
- What are the Origins of Lehi’s Understanding of the Fall? (KnoWhy #28)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Job 1-42: The Book of Job
Lesson 33: Sharing the Gospel with the World
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 33, Sharing the Gospel with the World
- Why Did Jesus Mix Together Micah and Isaiah? (KnoWhy #214)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Jonah 1-4: The Book of Jonah
Discussions on the Old Testament: Micah 1-7 & Joel 1-3: The Books of Micah and Joel
Lesson 34: “I Will Betroth Thee unto Me in Righteousness”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 34, “I Will Betroth Thee unto Me in Righteousness”
- “I Will Betroth Thee Unto Me in Righteousness.” Hosea 1-3; 11; 13-14
- What are the Origins of Lehi’s Understanding of the Fall? (KnoWhy #28)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Hosea 1-14: The Book of Hosea
Lesson 35: God Reveals His Secrets to His Prophets
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 35, God Reveals His Secrets to His Prophets
- Why Did Ammon Borrow So Much from Tradition in Alma 26? (KnoWhy #133)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Amos 1-9: The Book of Amos
Lesson 36: The Glory of Zion Will Be a Defense
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 36, The Glory of Zion Will Be a Defense
LDS Perspectives Podcast: Nephi and Isaiah with Joseph Spencer
- Not Just Sour Grapes: Jesus’s Interpretation of Isaiah’s Song of the Vineyard by John Gee
- How Did God Call His Prophets in Ancient Times? (KnoWhy #17)
- Has the Prophecy of the Lord’s House Established in the Mountains been Fulfilled? (KnoWhy #41)
- Why Do Early Nephite Prophets Speak about the Scattering of the Jews? (KnoWhy #42)
- How Does Nephi Use Isaiah to Teach Us to Avoid Pride? (KnoWhy #48)
- How Did Nephi Read Isaiah as a Witness of Christ’s Coming? (KnoWhy #40)
- Why is the Lord’s Hand “Stretched Out Still”? (KnoWhy #49)
- Why Did Moroni Quote Isaiah 11 to Joseph Smith? (KnoWhy #50)
- What Do Nephi and Isaiah Say about the End Times? (KnoWhy #46)
- Did Interactions with “Others” Influence Nephi’s Selection of Isaiah? (KnoWhy #45)
- Why Did Lehi “Suppose” the Existence of Satan? (KnoWhy #43)
- Why Did Nephi Say Serpents Could Fly? (KnoWhy #316)
- How Does Nephi Help Us Understand Isaiah? (KnoWhy #47)
- What Vision Guides Nephi’s Choice of Isaiah Chapters? (KnoWhy #38)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 1-6: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 1
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 7-12: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 2
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: My Soul Delighteth In His Words
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 1-2
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 3-5
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 6
Lesson 37: “Thou Hast Done Wonderful Things”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 37, “Thou Hast Done Wonderful Things”
- Why Does Nephi Use Isaiah 29 as Part of His Own Prophecy? (KnoWhy #52)
- Why Did Nephi Connect Isaiah’s Prophecies with Joseph Who Was Sold into Egypt? (KnoWhy #375)
- Why Did Helaman Compare Christ to a Rock? (KnoWhy #176)
- Why Does Abinadi Use the Phrase “the Bands of Death”? (KnoWhy #93)
- Whom Did Nephi Quote in 1 Nephi 22? (KnoWhy #25)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 13-23: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 3
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 24-35: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 4
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 7 – 8
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 9 – 11
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 12 – 14
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 15 – 17
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 18 – 20
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 21 – 23
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 24 – 26
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 27 – 28
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 29
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 30 – 31
Lesson 38: “Beside Me There Is No Saviour”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
- “Besides Me There is No Saviour.” Isaiah 40-49
- How Might Isaiah 48-49 be “Likened” to Lehi’s Family? (KnoWhy #23)
- Who is the Servant of Isaiah 49/1 Nephi 21? (KnoWhy #24)
- What Vision Guides Nephi’s Choice of Isaiah Chapters? (KnoWhy #38)
- Did Pre-Christian Prophets Know About Christ? (KnoWhy #12)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 36-44: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 5
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 45-52: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 6
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 32 – 33
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 34 – 35
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 36 – 37
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 38 – 39
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 40 – 41
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 42 – 43
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 44 – 45
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 46 – 48
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 49 – 51
Lesson 39: “How Beautiful upon the Mountains”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 39, “How Beautiful upon the Mountains”
- Why Would Noah’s Priests Quiz Abinadi on Isaiah? (KnoWhy #89)
- Why Did Abinadi Talk About the Suffering Messiah? (KnoWhy #91)
- Where Does the Name Nauvoo Come From? (KnoWhy #342)
- Why Would Jesus Call Isaiah’s Words Great? (KnoWhy #217)
- Who is the Servant Spoken of by Christ? (KnoWhy #215)
- Why Did Jesus Mix Together Micah and Isaiah? (KnoWhy #214)
- Why Did Abinadi Talk About the Suffering Messiah? (KnoWhy #91)
- What Vision Guides Nephi’s Choice of Isaiah Chapters? (KnoWhy #38)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 45-52: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 6
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 52-62: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 7
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 49 – 51
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 52 – 53
Lesson 40: “Enlarge the Place of Thy Tent”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 40, “Enlarge the Place of Thy Tent”
- Isaiah 56, Abraham, and the Temple by Taylor Halverson
- Why Did Jesus Quote All of Isaiah 54? (KnoWhy #216)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Isa. 52-62: Great Are the Words of Isaiah–Part 7
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Seek Ye The Lord: Isa. 54-55
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 56 – 57
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 58 – 59
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 60 – 61
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 62 – 64
Insights to the Book of Isaiah: Isaiah 65 – 66
Lesson 41: “I Have Made Thee This Day … an Iron Pillar”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 41, “I Have Made Thee This Day … an Iron Pillar”
Discussions on the Old Testament: Fall of N. Kingdom and Preservation of S. Kingdom
Discussions on the Old Testament: Judah’s Return to Wickedness
Discussions on the Old Testament: The Books of Nahum, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk
Discussions on the Old Testament: Jer. 1-17: The Prophet Jeremiah–Part 1
Discussions on the Old Testament: Jer. 1-17: The Prophet Jeremiah–Part 2
Discussions on the Old Testament: Jer. 29-42: The Prophet Jeremiah–Part 3
Lesson 42: “I Will Write It in Their Hearts”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 42, “I Will Write It in Their Hearts”
- “I Will Write It in Their Hearts.” Jeremiah 16; 23; 39; 31
- How Did God Call His Prophets in Ancient Times? (KnoWhy #17)
Lesson 43: The Shepherds of Israel
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 43, The Shepherds of Israel
- Why Is There a Need for the Testimony of Two Nations? (KnoWhy #56)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Ezek. 1-11: The Prophet Ezekiel–Part 1
Discussions on the Old Testament: Ezek. 12-33: The Prophet Ezekiel–Part 2
Discussions on the Old Testament: Ezek. 33-48: The Prophet Ezekiel–Part 3
Lesson 44: “Every Thing Shall Live Whither the River Cometh”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 44, “Every Thing Shall Live Whither the River Cometh”

Lesson 45: “If I Perish, I Perish”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
The Persian Empire (Bible map at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 45, “If I Perish, I Perish”
Discussions on the Old Testament: Dan. 1-12: The Book of Daniel
Discussions on the Old Testament: Esth. 1-10: The Book of Esther
Lesson 46: “A Kingdom, Which Shall Never Be Destroyed”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 46, “A Kingdom, Which Shall Never Be Destroyed”
- “A Kingdom, Which Shall Never Be Destroyed.” Daniel 2
- Why Did Ammon Borrow So Much from Tradition in Alma 26? (KnoWhy #133)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Dan. 1-12: The Book of Daniel
Lesson 47: “Let Us Rise Up and Build”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 47, “Let Us Rise Up and Build”
- Why Did Ammon Borrow So Much from Tradition in Alma 26? (KnoWhy #133)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Ezra 1-6: The Return of Exiles
Discussions on the Old Testament: Mal. 4 & Ezra 7-10: Renewing the Covenant
Discussions on the Old Testament: Neh. 1-13: The Book of Nehemiah
Lesson 48: “The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord”
- Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (lesson materials at
- Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual (lesson materials at
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 48, “The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord”
- Why Did Jesus Give the Nephites Malachi’s Prophecies? (KnoWhy #218)
- Why Did Jesus Quote the Words of Malachi 3-4 in 3 Nephi 24-25? (KnoWhy #370)
- Why Will God Turn the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children? (KnoWhy #219)
- Why Is There a Need for the Testimony of Two Nations? (KnoWhy #56)
Discussions on the Old Testament: Hag. 1-2: The Book of Haggai
Discussions on the Old Testament: Zech. 1-8: The Visions of Zechariah
Discussions on the Old Testament: Zech. 9-14: The Prophet Zechariah
Discussions on the Old Testament: Mal. 1-4: The Book of Malachi
Discussions on the Old Testament: Mal. 4 & Ezra 7-10: Renewing the Covenant