Chris Miasnik
About Chris Miasnik
Chris Miasnik (chrismiasnik@juno.com) is a retired military intelligence warrant officer. He earned a bachelor’s degree in public policy and a master’s degree in public administration, both from BYU. He and his wife, Angie, live in Bluffdale, Utah, and have a very large blended family. Chris speaks French from his time as an LDS missionary in the Belgium Brussels Mission (1975–77) and is an administrator for several Church-related, French-language Facebook webpages. When not distracted by freelance writing projects and honey-do lists, he is attacking/procrastinating his huge backlog of genealogical research. View a longer version of this article with interesting collateral material at www.listedechris.com.Where in Cincinnati Was the Third Edition of the Book of Mormon Printed?
by Chris Miasnik | Jan 23, 2015 | 16 comments