2024 Come, Follow Me
Book of Mormon Lesson 7:
February 12 — February 18
“We Lived after the Manner of Happiness”

Reading 1 Nephi, you might get the impression that Nephi was somehow larger than life. “Large in stature” both physically and spiritually (1 Nephi 2:16), he seemed unshaken by the trials he faced. Or at least that is what we might assume. While Nephi’s faith was remarkable, his tender words in 2 Nephi 4 reveal that even faithful people sometimes feel “wretched” and “easily beset” by temptations. Here we see someone who is trying, who wants to be joyful, but whose “heart groaneth because of [his] sins.” We can relate to this and to the hopeful determination that follows: “Nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted” (see 2 Nephi 4:15–19).
While Nephi and his people learned to live “after the manner of happiness” (2 Nephi 5:27), they also learned that happiness does not come easily or without periods of sorrow. It ultimately comes from trusting the Lord, “the rock of [our] righteousness” (2 Nephi 4:35).
2 Nephi 3: Joseph in Egypt saw the Nephites in vision—He prophesied of Joseph Smith, the latter-day seer; of Moses, who would deliver Israel; and of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. About 588–570 B.C.
2 Nephi 4: Lehi counsels and blesses his posterity—He dies and is buried—Nephi glories in the goodness of God—Nephi puts his trust in the Lord forever. About 588–570 B.C.
2 Nephi 5: The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, and build a temple—Because of their unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from the presence of the Lord, are cursed, and become a scourge unto the Nephites. About 588–559 B.C.
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps 2024 — Lesson 7, Jonn Claybaugh
Interpreter Radio: The Book of Mormon in Context Lesson 7
Nibley Book of Mormon Lectures: Come, Follow Me Lesson 7
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 6: 2 Nephi 1-5 (2020), Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 6 (2 Nephi 1-5)
Lehi’s Testimony to Joseph and Joseph of Egypt’s Life as Type for His Own Prophecy (2 Nephi 3), Hales Swift
- “Upon the Wings of His Spirit”: A Note on Hebrew rûaḥ and 2 Nephi 4:25, by Matthew L. Bowen, Aug 18, 2023
- Additional Janus Parallels in the Book of Mormon, by Paul Y. Hoskisson, Sep 3, 2021
- Labor Diligently to Write: The Ancient Making of a Modern Scripture, Chapter 12: 2 Nephi Chapters II-IV (3-5), Brant A. Gardner
- Gentiles in the Book of Mormon, John Hilton III, Ryan Sharp, Brad Wilcox and Jaron Hansen, September 20, 2019
- The Language of the Spirit in the Book of Mormon, Noel B. Reynolds, August 30, 2019
- “By Small Means”: Rethinking the Liahona, Timothy Gervais and John L. Joyce , November 16, 2018
- “If I Pray Not Amiss”, David L. Clark, September 28, 2018
- Too Little or Too Much Like the Bible? A Novel Critique of the Book of Mormon Involving David and the Psalms, Jeff Lindsay, May 25, 2018
- The Possibility of Janus Parallelism in the Book of Mormon, Jeff Lindsay, January 5, 2018
- Jacob’s Protector, Matthew L. Bowen, December 15, 2017
- “If Ye Will Hearken”: Lehi’s Rhetorical Wordplay on Ishmael in 2 Nephi 1:28–29 and Its Implications, Matthew L. Bowen, May 19, 2017
- On Doubting Nephi’s Break Between 1 and 2 Nephi: A Critique of Joseph Spencer’s An Other Testament: On typology, Noel B. Reynolds, April 28, 2017
- Meeting Zoram, Collin Charles Russell, March 3, 2017
- Deuteronomy 17:14–20 as Criteria for Book of Mormon Kingship, Taylor Halverson, February 24, 2017
- The Title of Liberty and Ancient Prophecy, RoseAnn Benson, February 10, 2017
- “Their Anger Did Increase Against Me”: Nephi’s Autobiographical Permutation of a Biblical Wordplay on the Name Joseph, Matthew L. Bowen, December 30, 2016
- Nephi’s Change of Heart, Dennis Newton, June 17, 2016
- Nephi’s Good Inclusio, Matthew L. Bowen, November 20, 2015
- The Doctrine of Resurrection in the Book of Mormon, A. Keith Thompson, July 31, 2015
- A Mormon Theodicy: Jacob and the Problem of Evil, Val Larsen, June 12, 2015
- Nephi: A Postmodernist Reading, Benjamin L. McGuire, September 5, 2014
- Limhi’s Discourse: Proximity and Distance in Teaching, Loren Blake Spendlove, November 15, 2013
- Interpreting Interpreter: Spiritual Wind, by Kyler Rasmussen, Aug 18, 2023
LDS Perspectives Podcast: Nephi and Isaiah with Joseph Spencer, LDS Perspectives, November 11, 2016
- 2 Nephi 1. Resurrecting Deep Sleepers, Taylor Halverson, February 6, 2016
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 6, “Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life”, January 17, 2016
Scripture Roundtable: Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Lesson 7, “I Know in Whom I Have Trusted”, January 17, 2016
Scripture Roundtable: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12, “Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction”, March 8, 2014
Come, Follow Me—Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024, Lesson 7
Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing | 2 Nephi 1–4
The Nephites Separate from the Lamanites | 2 Nephi 5
- Free Forever, to Act for Themselves, Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014, 16
- Gospel Topics: Fall of Adam and Eve
- 2 Nephi 1–5 (Ensign Support Articles and Activities)
- What Blessings Did the Fall Make Possible? (Ensign Weekly Book of Mormon Insights)
- He Can Turn Weakness to Strength (Ensign Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon)
- 2 Nephi 1 to 5 – “We Lived After the Manner of Happiness”, BYU Studies
Video—The Doctrine of the Fall in 2 Nephi 2, BYU Religious Studies Center
- Lehi on God’s Law and an Opposition in All Things, BYU Religious Studies Center
- Agency and Freedom, BYU Religious Studies Center
- The Fall of Man and His Redemption, BYU Religious Studies Center
- Teaching the Atonement, BYU Religious Studies Center
- Teaching the Fall and the Atonement: A Comparative Method , BYU Religious Studies Center
- Lehi’s Last Will and Testament: A Legal Approach, BYU Religious Studies Center
- Joseph Smith and the Messiah: Prophetically Linked, BYU Religious Studies Center
- 2 Nephi 1-5, John W. Welch Notes
- New Archaeological Discovery Sheds Light on Nephi’s Temple, Book of Mormon Central
- Did Lehi Quote Shakespeare?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #26
- What Does the Book of Mormon Say about the Armor of God?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #378
- Where is the Land of Promise?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #497
- Where Did the Book of Mormon Happen?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #431
- How is the Day of Atonement Understood in the Book of Mormon?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #479
- Why Do We Have Three Different Accounts of the Creation?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #400
- Why Did Lehi Teach that the Fall was Necessary?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #269
- What are the Origins of Lehi’s Understanding of the Fall?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #28
- Why Did Lehi Teach About the "Two Ways"?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #287
- How the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament Help Us Understand What it Means to be Redeemed, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #436
- Why Did the Wise Men Give Jesus Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #392
- Was the Requirement of a Broken Heart" Known Before the Time of Christ?", Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #27
- How Did President Gordon B. Hinckley Emphasize the Importance of the Book of Mormon?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #294
- What Unique Doctrines Did the Lord Reveal through the Book of Mormon?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #293
- Why Is the Book of Mormon "Another Testament of Jesus Christ"?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #494
- How Lehi Likened the Scriptures to Himself, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #418
- Should 2 Nephi 1:1 – 4:12 Be Called the Testament of Lehi"?", Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #29
- Why Is Lehi Depicted as Similar to Moses?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #268
- Why Should We Read the Book of Mormon Daily?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #368
- Is Nephi’s Psalm" Really a Psalm?", Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #30
- How Do Commandments Bring Us Peace and Happiness?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #347
- Who Are the Lamanites?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #486
- What Does the Book of Mormon Teach about the Temple?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #309
- Did Ancient Israelites Build Temples Outside of Jerusalem?, Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #31
- How Can Honest Labor and Self-Reliance Bring Lasting Happiness? , Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy #365
Discussions on the Book of Mormon – 2 Nephi 1, 3
Discussions on the Book of Mormon – 2 Nephi 2
Discussions on the Book of Mormon – 2 Nephi 4-5