There are 3 thoughts on “A Valuable Book for the Increasingly International Church”.

  1. This modified over a period of time of occasion when paperwork were
    introduced detailing how to reproduce the situation mathematically.

  2. This comment pertains to Jeff more than his review. I came across Jeff’s website a few years ago when a few family members were persuading me to question LDS history/beliefs and to leave the church. Jeff’s website (along with FAIR and others) were invaluable.

    His faithful approach to certain issues was incredible (I still remember reading his website where he essentially debunks the critics’ narrative of the kinderhook plates. Something I knew little of at the time).

    Many thanks to Jeff for the amazing content on his site and articles on Interpreter.

  3. I very much enjoyed reading Jeff Lindsay’s important review of a book whose contents are worth careful reflection and appropriate action, as our gifts and time make possible.

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