There are 4 thoughts on “Messengers of the Covenant: Mormon’s Doctrinal Use of Malachi 3:1 in Moroni 7:29–32”.

  1. In rereading this great article as part of today’s personal scripture study, I noticed a typo. On page 119, 1st full paragraph, 3rd line, “Nephi” should be “Mormon.”

  2. Very insightful Matt. It had not occurred to me that Jesus’ appearance at the temple in Bountiful could be seen as a fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy. It makes Jesus’ recitation of the chapters in Malachi even more relevant and meaningful.

  3. Pingback: Messengers of the Covenant: Mormon’s Doctrinal Use of Malachi 3:1 in Moroni 7:29–32 - Matthew L. Bowen - The Mormonist

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