There are 2 thoughts on ““That Which They Most Desired”: The Waters of Mormon, Baptism, the Love of God, and the Bitter Fountain”.

  1. Yes, Matt, naming Mormon “Enduring-Love” certainly fits wonderfully well. Too bad the KJV translators have so confused matters with the dual-translation “charity/love.”

    I am intrigued by the name you cite in note 5, Mr-mn-nfr, which looks like the name of the pyramid (mr) of King Ppy I “Enduring of Beauty” (Mn-nfr, the name of the capital Memphis; called Moph and Noph in Hebrew, Hos 9:6, Isa 19:3).

  2. Great stuff, very interesting. Incidentally, I just read something very similar here: and here: I think it’s particularly interesting to consider the spiritual meaning of Hebrew letters in the “mrm” root. “mem” is water and “reish” is head or source. Another way to connect the name, Mormon, to the fountain of living waters.

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