There are 4 thoughts on “Founded Upon a Rock: Doctrinal and Temple Implications of Peter’s Surnaming”.

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  2. I love the story about Peter and Jesus Christ. Peter is the rock, the revelation.
    I love this. Thanks Brother Bowen.

  3. This article is amazing. I never thought of it that deep. I knew that Christ was talking about the revelation that Peter has as the time and he will build upon it (revelation) his church. After reading this and understand that power of the priesthood change and bring more knowledge and wisdom of Christ really meant. Thank you for sharing this.

  4. Wow. This article was so full of profound information it was hard to take it in all at one. I think the etymology of the names Simon and Peter were extremely interesting. The name Simeon meaning ‘to hear’ and Peter meaning ‘rock’. It’s so cool that Peter went from a listener of Christ to a promoter of Christ. He started from a small seed of faith that grew into faith he could not hide. Isn’t it interesting that in our day we don’t usually to refer to him as Simon Peter but as simply Peter? I think that really shows the his transformation has been noticed, and that although his faith started from humble beginnings he ended on a strong note and that is how he is commemorated. The idea of the surname Cephas that Christ gave Peter reminds me of the name given to Paul and how he changed from Saul to Paul. There are so many parallels in the bible. It’s interesting how both these apostles went from small faith to such spiritual strength through the knowledge of Christ and his church. I love this article it really inspired me!

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