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Wonderful article.
Have you noted the blessings of Judah and Joseph by Jacob?
If Wisdom or Zion is Jehovah’s syzygy, she cannot be The Mother. If The Mother is The Tree of Life that cherubims guard from men and The Tree that returns in the heavenly city, Wisdom must be aman, or surrogate, as Christ is surrogate for The Father. Wisdom is noted as being a brook or stream of water, possibly the arm of the Lord. Anyone can become a tree of life by keeping Torah, Psalm 1.
Have you considered that the Song of Solomon is not inspired scripture for the members of the church, but is rather a private note?
If you feel you don’t understand this article at all, ready Daniel Peterson’s article as follows as a primer: It may provide some helpful context:
And here I thought Metatron was a Transformer. Seriously, thank you for your article.