There are 6 thoughts on “The Words of Gad the Seer: An Apparently Ancient Text With Intriguing Origins and Content”.

  1. Thanks for the comment, but no, sorry, that would not be a logical conclusion. It would be logical to conclude that some Jews ended up in India and many other parts of the world. And that many cultures and languages have words and names that use the consonants R + M and even sometimes K/C + R + M. But there is no reason to see any direct connection between the Jewish colony in India and the eradicated Nephite people.

    By the way, where is this place in India you call Rahma and Komara? Doesn’t seem prominent on Google Maps.

  2. Many thanks to Jeff Lindsay for introducing Bar Ilan’s work on “The Words of Gad the Seer” to an LDS audience and for showing the many ways in which it may have relevance for study of the Book of Mormon. Lindsay has also helpfully correlated the variety of reports of Jews and writings on copper or brass in ancient India. Hopefully, these new forays will stimulate even further work on these promising topics.

    • So,

      1. There’s historical evidence of Jews sailing from Yemen with Biblical texts to India.
      2. Claudius Buchanan discovered that these Jews kept their histories on brass plates.
      3. The Narrative of Zosimus, likewise, tells of a group known in some Biblical manuscripts as the “Sons of Aminadab/Abinadab” with “Aminadam” as another variant (Aminadab and Abinadom being characters in the Book of Mormon) that were led by God across the great waters in the time of the Prophet Jeremiah to a land called Rahman that had been set aside for their preservation.

      Noel Reynolds once proposed that HRMN and MRMN are the same word, or at least share the same root RMN.

      Wouldn’t the most logical explanation be that the Book of Mormon is an account of the Jews of India (also known as Jewish Brahmins or Rahmans), particularly that narrow-necked part that was known anciently as both Rahma/Rahman and Komara?

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