There are 2 thoughts on “The Lamb of God: A Note on the Significance of Meir Bar-Ilan’s Paper for Latter-day Saints”.

  1. Some time ago I was in Cochin on a BYU study abroad program. Lore has it that there was a chronicle documenting the history of the black and white Jews, tracing there history back to the Assyrian and/or Babylonian captivity. This history was supposedly purchased by Claudius Buchanan along with the Words of Gad the Seer and a Hebrew translation of the New Testament and donated to Cambridge. Gad the Seer and the Hebrew NT are still at Cambridge, but apart from some extracts that were later published in Dutch, Hebrew and German, there is no record of the original Cochin Chronicle in Hebrew.

    The Hebrew NT and Gad the Seer has recently caught the interest of Nehemiah Gordon. I noticed that he just posted a fascinating discussion with Bar-Ilan:

  2. I will have to study the Book of Gad the Seer. I know you have done a lot with it.

    Reading Meir bar-Ilan’s paper and reading about apocalyptic text, the book of Revelation and lambs forced me to think of Nephi of course. I have to ask if Latter-day Saints would consider the coming of the Book of Gad as a fulfillment of Nephi’s words in 1 Ne14:26. 26. In the context of John’s writing and the end of the world Nephi writes: “And also others who have been, to them hath he shown all things, and they have written them; and they are sealed up to come forth in their purity, according to the truth which is in the Lamb, in the own due time of the Lord, unto the house of Israel.”

    As you know Nephi is adamant the Bible has had parts removed. These other apocalyptic books the come forth will be “in their purity.” So that is a lot to consider.
    Thank you for the introduction to the book.

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