There are 2 thoughts on “Honorable Intentions with an Unreliable Methodology: Lucas’s Response Underscores the Problems”.

  1. We can certainly agree that the message of the Book of Mormon is the key thing. At the same time, it is possible to allegedly support the Book of Mormon in a way that undermines respect for the Church and its modern leaders, makes detrimental claims about Joseph Smith, and creates animosity toward faithful scholars helping us to appreciate the Book of Mormon. When that happens, it’s valuable to point out the errors and set the record straight.

    Testimonies have been injured by misunderstanding the details of the translation of the Book of Mormon. Sound understanding is needed in dealing with such issues.

  2. If a trusted friend gave me a map to a treasure which I had every reason to believe was real, would my time be better spent grilling him over how he got the map, or following the map to the treasure? What greater treasure map could there be than one leading to eternal life?
    If we agree that the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the gospel and points the way to God, is our time better spent arguing over how we got it, or studying and living by what’s in it?

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