There are 3 thoughts on ““My People Are Willing”: The Mention of Aminadab in the Narrative Context of Helaman 5-6”.

  1. I was wondering why there were lamanite and nephite dissenters in the jail with Nephi and Lehi (Hel. 5:27). If they were dissenters from the nephite culture the lamanites would generally support them. Also, lamanites would not be dissenters from nephite culture or religion. Perhaps the lamanites in the prison were dissenters from the current lamanite government or religion, or both the lamanites and nephites dissented from some aspect of that lamanite culture. It just seem unusual for this group to be jailed unless they were going counter to the culture where they were jailed. Could it be that their dissent, what ever it was, prepared them to be converted and become missionaries? Just wondering

  2. Matthew Bowen has been busy working away on the puzzles and wonders found in the Book of Mormon. I am impressed.

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